Interview: April & Ellis

We asked April to model some of the pieces for our mother’s day collection. April and I have collaborated on a few inspiration shoots. She creates gorgeous flower arrangements and bouquets–so inspiring! Her baby girl Ellis, just turned one year old. April, her husband, Josh and Ellis, live in the hills of Atascadero, just north of San Luis Obispo.

We wanted to ask April a few questions about being a new mom. Here’s what she had to say…

I would love a little peek into your daily routine!

Ellis, my little alarm clock, usually rings around 7:30 in the morning. She eats, I drink coffee+eat and then we lounge around together reading books, throwing balls, laugh at the dogs, climb on the couch, read another book, maybe read yet another book (she sort of loves books!) and then meander into her room where she’ll then let me know she’s ready for a morning snooze. She’ll sleep an hour or two and while she does I’ll get ready for the day with a second cup of coffee in hand. Once she’s up it’s go time. We’ll run any errands we have to do, go for a walk, play outside (her favorite!), throw the ball for the dogs, meet a friend for lunch or clean up whatever messes we’ve made throughout the morning.

It won’t be long after that that Ellis will be ready for her afternoon snooze (oh, to be a baby!). She’ll sleep for a couple of hours and I use that time to work. I’ll return e-mails to clients, work on flower orders or add pins to my pinterest boards for clients, or work on designs for the coming weekends wedding. Those two hours fly by and then Ellis is ready to take on the afternoon. We have a little snack together and repeat our morning activities+plus some other fun things, like bubbles or the sand box, which I reserve for the late afternoon crankies.

Dinner is around six, a bath follows that and then we get going on our bedtime routine. Jammies on, lots of laughs and play and then we snuggle down into our cozy chair for some quiet bed time books and a little song. I give her a kiss good night tell her it was a great day and that I love her. I close her door and exhale from the exhaustion of it all but also smile because it’s all worth it.

What have you learned from Ellis?

I am a type ‘A’ personality. I like things organized in their respective boxes throughout life. I strive when things are organized, planned, expected and logical. I have learned from Ellis, in the short year I’ve know her, that I need A LOT more flexibility in my life. There is really nothing organized, planned, expected or logical when raising a child. It’s a go-with-the-flow situation. Ellis lives in the moment not in the future. I need to be better at that.

What advice would you give to working moms?

Having+running my own business was challenging enough as it was. Adding a little babe in the mix just added to the chaos and overwhelmed me at first. About 3 months after I had Ellis I figured out there would be NO balance between work+family+home+life. My family comes first and that’s it. End of story. My best advise is everything else can wait. My daughter+husband are more important than this feature, that booked wedding or how many likes we had on FaceBook.

Have you encountered any surprises along the way?

I have encountered more surprises than I can count but the most notable would be the surprise of just how much I LOVE being a mom. As an only child who grew up unsure if I even wanted children I can now NOT imagine my life with out my daughter. I knew I would love her I just didn’t know I was capable of loving her this much.

Thank you April for a peek into your lives. Your days sound sweet, full of fun and so busy! I agree with you, I love being a mom more than I could have ever imagined!

April is wearing the always a mother necklace and the thank you mom bracelet, and Ellis is having fun with the whimsical bubble wand! Have you shopped for mother’s day yet?

* * *

If you have kiddos, do you remember your first year as a mom? I remember falling in love with David–a new kind of love I’d never experienced before. And I remember realizing that all of the sudden my wants and needs came second–and his came first. How did you change when you became a mom?


  1. So fun to see Ellis’s sweet little face on your blog Lisa! We enjoyed modeling your fabulous jewelry and can’t wait to collaborate on more projects soon! Happy (almost) Mother’s Day to you! xo

  2. I find it difficult to dealing with the great fear that something would happen to the children…that is the hardest part of being a mum.
    I’ve become much softer…
    and every day there is something they say or do, that makes me laugh, how rough the day was!!!

    x Katrien/Belgium

  3. I never imagined loving being a Mom as much as I do. my daighter is my life. I am working Mom as well, but I work outside the home. I have some great support, but it is tough. I strive for work-life balance I loved April’s statement — family first, end of story. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I think you’re right….I’ve also been changed by the overwhelming love I wasn’t expecting and also the realization that I am now 2nd. My calling is not to serve myself but to serve others…motherhood drove this home for me. But that goes deeper than just waiting on them hand and foot. It also means loving them enough to teach them that they are not the center of the universe and we try to do that by making our marriage a huge priority. We need buckets and buckets of grace and I struggle with owning a business and being a work-at-home mom, but gosh…what an honor to be their mommy!

  5. I was working for a GREAT company in the retail world when I got pregnant with my first daughter. I had no intentions of becoming “one of those stay at home moms” because I loved my job so very much.
    Looking back its funny because I had no backup plan-no daycare lined up or anything. I just knew I was going back to work. But after a really difficult delivery with her, the minute I laid my eyes on my precious baby girl I knew I wasn’t going back. Two daughters and eight years later I eventually went back to the working world(now teaching) but I wouldn’t trade those years at home with my children for anything. I’m so glad I had a change of heart!:)

    1. It’s amazing what seeing your baby for the first time will do to your heart. It’s a bond that can’t be replicated! Thanks for sharing part of your story Sarah! xo

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