What is Indie Business? {new} online class!

i’m so excited to tell you guys about an upcoming online class called indie business 3.o with myself two seriously amazing ladies! i’ve taken business courses that cost hundreds of dollars and i’ve attended blog conferences that cost hundreds of dollars–and they were great! but if you want a convenient and economical way to learn more about building your own business, i highly recommend this online course. it’s so exciting!! read on for more info…

What is Indie Business?

Indie Business is an interactive and inspiring 6 week Online Class for women and men wanting to build an online or local creative business. We’ll focus on Starting, Surviving and Succeeding in small business and cover everything in between! Indie Business 3.0 is taught by Leigh-Ann Keffer, Jill Munro and Lisa Leonard and is hosted in a members only blog with 27 thought provoking sessions, 7 creative business related diy projects and 3 interactive live Q&A sessions to give you all the tools you need to establish yourself and achieve success with your Small Business! This course also includes an Indie 3.0 printable workbook developed specifically to record your thoughts, ideas and progress throughout the 6 week course and beyond. Access to a student lounge is included so participants can share, network with and learn from fellow classmates!

Indie Business 3.0 includes improved course content, including valuable lessons & projects by 3.0 featured teacher, Lisa Leonard! Indie Business 3.0 is sure to inspire and fire you up to make 2011 count for your small business!

Please Note: Indie Business is an annual online class and is intended for a new student body each year. This course is not a part 2 to last years Indie Business class.

Meet your Teachers

Leigh-Ann of FreckledNest.com

Leigh-Ann started her small business as a hobby in 2005, but as demand & popularity increased, Freckled Nest quickly became a strong second income and LA worked towards making it her career. She originally began with a focus on small items like tiny albums and hand-stitched items, but now focus’ on custom blog and website design (and her personal blog), teaching classes and co-leading a Freckled Nest Team of twelve! In 2008, Leigh-Ann quit her normal job, became her own boss, and now supports herself solely from her creative abilities and passion for handmade, design and innovation. Every day she’s living her dream!

Jill of LuneVintage.com

Jill Munro opened a cute cottage hobby shop in 2004 and over time, has built Lune Vintage, a successful Vintage Shop in the heart of downtown Winnipeg, Canada. She also embraced the gypsy spirit of Lune, introducing a mobile shop for the brand in her vintage 1976 fiberglass trailer. Jill has passionately authored the bohemian vintage style blog Lune since 2009.

Marrying her in person charm and talent with online networking skills, Jill has accomplished many of her Small Business goals and happily remains at her part time job working with disabled children, plus she’s a wife and mother. Jill’s an outstanding example and inspiration for ‘making all the pieces fit’ and is sure to inspire you with her experiences, talents and dedication to making dreams come true!

Lisa of LisaLeonardOnline.com

Lisa began making jewelry in high school but decided to get serious after her first son David was born. Lisa wanted to start a small business that would enable her to quit her job and stay home with her two boys.

Starting with a desire to create simple, meaningful pieces that can be worn with jeans or your little black dress, Lisa Leonard Designs grew to the extremely successful full time independent business it is today.

Lisa authors a popular blog which allows readers to follow her creative and personal life as an artist, wife, mother and friend. She is a genuine person, savvy business woman and a true inspiration!

Guest Teachers

Kyla of Kyla Roma.com and Moorea of Moorea-Seal.com both took Indie Business in 2010, and have since transitioned from being part time small business owners to running their own companies full time! Kyla’s shop, A Little Thistle is based on Etsy, where she sells romantic style charm jewellery and vivid knits. Moorea houses her popular jewelry shop on Etsy and successfully wholesale distributes through independent retailers, worldwide! We’re excited for Kyla and Moorea to share their experiences and insights, and to be able to feature past students who’ve taken the leap and soared.

Info + Details

Who: Indie Business is for those who dream of small business! The course focuses on businesses with handmade products but it is also very applicable to photographers, vintage sellers, local boutiques, and anyone who has a business in the independent, creative field. This course will benefit those starting a business from scratch as well as existing businesses that want to expand on their current business strategy. Everyone is welcome 🙂

Timeline: Indie 3.0 runs for 6 weeks from March 1st to April 8th (plus our Indie Business Stories and 1 Project in February). We encourage you to work at your own pace! The class blog will stay up for 1 year so that you can reference everything and continue to be inspired.

Format: The course takes place in a private blog and the sessions & projects are written (with photographs through out, no video). Upon registering for Indie Business, you will receive access to the private blog and you can make yourself at home 🙂

Frequency: A new topic is posted each day, excluding Sundays and some Saturdays. You can come to the private blog each day at whatever time that works with your schedule. We encourage you to work at your own pace and the class blog will stay up for a full year.

Q&A Sessions: We have planned 3 live Q&A sessions where you can ask all three of us advice & questions, bounce ideas and chat with your classmates! Chat times will be announced in the class blog at the end of February. If you are unable to attend a chat, that’s okay! You’ll be able to leave your questions beforehand, then read answers the chat afterwards.

Supplies Needed: Computer, Internet, and a few very affordable supplies for the DIY Projects (ex. binder, fabric, needle & thread, paper, etc).

Workbook: The workbook has been created as a companion to the Indie Business sessions. Each session has a homework page in the workbook that will guide your ideas, brand and business plan. Indie Workbook PDF ready for download on February 28th.

Homework: Each sessions’ homework is intended to enrich you and your company through out the class but you are not obligated to do the assignments and challenges.

Support: We want to get to know you! We hope this will be an interactive experience where we can inspire and encourage you and your dreams, helping you see them becoming reality! Through out the sessions and projects, we would love to hear your ideas, development and experiences in the comments of each session.

Student Lounge: Enjoy getting to know other members of the class, encouraging one another and maybe even finding like-minded friends and future networking opportunities and support. To participate in the Student Lounge, you will also need a Flickr account (sign up free at Flickr.com).

Access: Private blog access will be sent via email within 36 hours of registration/purchase. Please add “[email protected]” to your contacts or watch your spam, just incase.

Topics: We recommend reading the course outline below. It feels like an exciting mini tour of what the course covers, *goosebumps* :]

FAQ: Review other Frequently Asked Questions here.

LA   –   Jill   –   Lisa   –   Guest   –   *=Project

Indie Session Topics and Projects

Leigh-Ann’s Indie Business Story

Jill’s Indie Business Story

Lisa’s Indie Business Story

Indie Business Portfolio – *LA

Open your Umbrella – Jill

Constructing your Style – LA & Jill

Style Portfolio – *Lisa

Product & Potential – LA

The Importance of a Name – Jill

Development of a Product – Lisa

Studio Inspiration Board – *Jill

Find your Strengths, Weaknesses & Skills – LA

Main Marketplace – Local – Jill

Main Marketplace – Online – LA

Pricing + Production + Expectation = Success – LA

Business Calendar – *Jill

Presentation through Display – Jill

Presentation through Photography – Lisa

Taking Advantage of Online Resources – LA

Taking Advantage of Local Resources – Jill

Working with Etsy – Kyla

Wholesale Distribution – Moorea

Product Packaging – *Lisa

Blogging Effectively – LA

This is Who I Am – Lisa

Networking Locally – Jill

Print Media – Jill

Creating a Blog Widget – *LA

Full Time, Part Time, Hobby? – Jill

Being a Debt Free Business – Lisa

Time is Money – LA

Analyzing Data + Going with your Gut – Lisa

Receipts Organizer – *LA

Good Business – LA

Defining Roles in Your Business – Lisa

Work and Family – Jill

Keep it Fresh, Stay Inspired – LA & Jill

Please Be Aware: The course content does not discuss tax or the legal structuring of your business. Every state and country has different requirements, and every business has different needs– we are not legal or accounting professionals 🙂 We recommend you talk to your accountant and local business associations to get detailed personalized advice on these matters. Your Indie Business Teachers will not advise on tax or legal business structuring.

Registration Details

Class cost: $90us

* We will begin class registrations this Tuesday, February 1st (details will be announced on Leigh-Ann, Jill and Lisa’s blogs)

* Payment Methods: Paypal & Major Credit Cards.

* Private blog access will be sent within 36 hours of registration/purchase.


If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected]

Past Indie Business Students said…

“Thank you so SOOOO much for the amazing class full of information, inspiration and encouragement. It couldn’t have come at a better time for me. Honestly, almost impeccable timing. The last day of class… and guess what? I’ve just quit my day job and am moving to a new state so my husband can begin school and I’m going to… BEGIN being a Mogul and running my own creative business! Thank you three, for preparing me for the next step in my life.” — Meagan V.

“Thank you all for the amazing, amazing class. You three are inspiring and so generous to share so much with us throughout the class. I was laid off from my corporate day job a few months ago, and I credit this class in being a big part of helping me through, because I have come to believe that there are bigger, better, indie biz plans for me in the future.” — Cati

“I was so unsure about signing up for this class but thought I might as well take a chance because playing it safe has gotten me nowhere and BORED of it… never did I imagine the wealth of information, inspiration and FRIENDSHIP I would walk away with. It’s such a blessing to be involved with so many wonderful and uniquely talented people and I am so ready to push forward with my business now when I was debating on quitting 2 months ago. Thank you again.” — Kel

“This class was so much fun! Not only did I learn a lot about my business but I learned a whole lot about myself. I found every session to be valuable in some way or another and I’m honestly a little sad its over. I also couldn’t be more grateful to have had the opportunity to meet such amazing people with incredible talents (through the student community), I don’t think I would’ve found them any other way!” — MeeshOne

“I can see clearly now…” –Donna

xo Leigh-Ann, Lisa and Jill



  1. I would love to attend. Obviously your class has already started, so sign me up for the next one. I hope everything is going well for you Lisa. Your jewelry is beautiful.

    Susan Ficht

  2. Would this be a class that would help someone who are considering starting a creative business, but haven’t yet? I do have a family/creative blog.

  3. hi lisa, will you be offering this class again, as i am committed to a course untill june. i am interested. what are my options? thanks pat

  4. Hi There…

    I am Jo AKA Miss Sue Flay of “The Secluded Tea Party”, based in Cambridge (United Kingdom!)

    I just came accross your blog and LOVE the fact that I just so happened to stumble over your new course starting in a couple of weeks time…I need some help!

    Basically, I am currently running my own version of the *Underground Supperclub* and running Underground Tea Parties as a hobby!

    I am looking to take this vintage Tea party into a business and I need some direction!

    I know that you are looking to push this for creative business people….is this something that you think would help me?

    I would appreciate some honesty either way….I wasn’t sure if this was for more hands on crafty ideas such as knitting, cross stitch, etc etc…(Art projects, etc)

    anyway, I would appreciate some help here, and if being in the UK would be a problem for me or you and the course logistically?

    Many Thanks for your help in advance!

    Miss Sue Flay

    (In a very cold yet sunny England right now!)


  5. Hi there,

    This sounds so interesting. I’m wondering if it’s suitable for small businesses selling a service and not a product (or at least not yet a product !) I’m a coach and communications consultant, but I love incorporating creative ideas and look for inspiration outside of the coaching world.

    Thanks so much in advance for replying,

    P.S. Love my new daisy bracelet! I’m a huge fan!

  6. I am trying to figure out if this is a good course for my business. I own a small retail boutique in California that just opened it’s doors last Wednesday. I carry mostly apparel and accessories and I am starting to focus on designers that I like from Etsy and other creative venues to showcase their stuff

    Would this be a course for someone who is actually creating a product vs. someone like me who is retailing? or would it benefit me too? Please be honest 🙂

  7. Ohhh, I’m excited about this! I’ve always worked for a large company … and would love advice and information on building a small/indie business! Thank you for offering this!

  8. Hi Lisa!
    I love your blog and love your site! You are SO creative and fantastic! Would love to take the course! Do you have an email reminder list to sign up for it? If so put me on it.
    Thanks so much,

  9. Hi Lisa!
    I am really really interested in your business class! However, I am in the process of getting my Master’s degree in Art Education because I am an elementary art teacher full time. Will you be offering this class next year at this time? If so I should be done with my Master’s by then and I would absolutely love to take it! You’re truly an inspiration to me! Thanks for taking the time to do all this!

  10. hey lisa,

    this is a little off topic but……a few days ago you asked about good books. i was in the middle of reading one and just finished. it is certainly a “good” and “GREAT” book if i do say so myself!

    if you are curious too….
    title “The Bread of Angels” by Stephanie Saldana ….A journey to love and faith.

    100 percent worth the read.


  11. I hope this is offered again next year! My full-time work and full-time school schedule get in the way this time, but I am VERY interested!

  12. i’ve been waiting for the sign-up deets but still wasn’t decided on participation. seeing that you’re involved, lisa – now it’s a no-brainer! count me in 😉

  13. Sounds so great, Lisa! And yay for a fellow Winnipeg-er! Now I’m going to have to start checking out Jill’s blog too!

    1. Another “hooray” from Winnipeg! I read Lisa’s blog every day and was so excited to see this collaboration with someone from my Canadian hometown! I came across Jill’s caravan at the Fringe last year and loved her stuff … one more blog to follow now along with my daily visits with Lisa! All the best, ladies!

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