in a meaning of welcome {my porch + entryway}

Today I’m sharing our front porch and entryway. After the holidays, it felt so sad and boring–I wanted to freshen it up and make it fun again!

I found this adorable wreath at Target {I love how simple it is} and added an xoxo banner from our shop. 

I planted various succulents because I’m terrible about watering–which makes these a perfect plant for me!

I love succulents grouped together. So much texture.

To plant the succulents, I put rocks in the bottom of each pot, then special sandy potting soil and then the plants themselves. I only water them every week or so!

Come on in! The first thing you’ll see is the large buffet I found on craiglist and painted black.

On top I stacked vintage books and an old file with wooden drawers.

The L-O-V-E posters are from the shop! Love! Each poster is 8×10–get all four for only $18.99!

Happy bunting made from scrap fabric and a driftwood heart I found on etsy complete the vignette.

I used washi tape to put the posters on the wall–can’t get any easier than that!

The branches on either side of the door are strung with little white lights that look so magical at night. We keep them up year round!

I like to keep our entryway fresh and welcoming. This area of the house tends to stay fairly tidy which makes having friends over easier. Do you find yourself constantly changing your decor or do you keep it the same for a while?

PS If you want to see more about the xoxo banner and love posters click here!


  1. That’s beautiful Lisa! I love succulents too and am looking forward to the weather getting a bit warmer so I can plant some in the urns next to my door!

  2. I love this Lisa! Your entry is just dreamy and inviting. 🙂 I’m constantly changing things up at home…it’s fun for me. Your blog and life is such an inspiration to me! Thank-you!

  3. I love the doorway and your interior space. The love 8×10’s are so cute. Thinking of putting them at my daughters wedding hall. Any ideas on how to style them retro? Just retro frames maybe. Eiher way I love you style. Just ordered a cake topper and both my daughter and I order from you regularly.

  4. Just love the server, it is absolutely gorgeous. I hunt for furniture at second hand stores. They dont make furniture the way they use too. It boggles my mind to see the beautiful old wood furniture people get rid of just because it’s scratched up. So I take it home sand it down and paint it, I also like to decoupage it. People ask where I got the gorgeous pieces from and give me funny looks when I tell them. They often remark that all they ever find at second hand stores is old junk.

  5. I find these spaces so inspiring, Lisa. How I wish we could have a year-round outdoor space, but snow is not conducive to succulents 🙂 I am especially taken with your foyer wall grouping…it inspires me to do something more with one of the walls in my area at work. Thanks for sharing!

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