loving vintage roadway signs

I couldn’t wait to share these with you! I’ve been looking for some fun vintage roadway signs and I haven’t been able to find them anywhere. And guess who created some ADORABLE signs with a perfect vintage feel? Yep, Barn Owl Primitives.

These remind me of long road trips on heading North on the 5 freeway to see cousins.

Picnic! Food! Scenic spot!

So fun.

I love the simple brown and white with sanded edges. So sweet! And perfect with some sunny flowers and a funky lamp. Lamp DIY here.

Do these evoke road trip memories for you?

Yay SuMmEr!! Let’s take a road trip and have some fun.

You can see all the vintage street signs here. And use code LLD25 for 25% off anything in the Barn Owl Shop. Awesome!

**Click here to shop**


  1. Vintage?? That cracks me up because I remember when these “modern” signs started showing up! Someone told me they were universal signs, whereby you’d recognize them in other countries as well. Fun!

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