looking for a wife

IMG_0921The other day Matthias said to me, Isn’t it crazy to think my wife is out there somewhere? I just haven’t met her yet. I wonder what she’s doing right now?”

At twelve years old, he regularly stops me in my tracks with this kind of insightful comment and perspective.

I asked him, “What are you looking for in a wife?”

He responded, “Well, first of all, I want her to love and respect David.”


There is a lot of heart and life experience and passion in that statement. Matthias has seen people open their arms to David and love him well. He’s also seen people awkwardly stare at David while they avoid eye contact.

Matthias unconditionally loves and accepts his brother–special needs and all. He wants to build a life with someone who has open heart and an open mind.

I believe Matthias is a better person because of his brother. I believe Matthias will make the world a better place because of his compassion and bravery. And I hope he finds an amazing wife who will be a trusted partner in this beautiful journey.

But it’s okay with me if we wait fifteen years or so to begin ring shopping.


  1. Thanks Lisa for sharing your family experiences with the world. I’m sure you have helped many with your perspective and insights. Your son Matthias is wise beyond his years.

  2. Children see all that is around them. He has obviously seen love in his home. When we see and hear our children capturing the dandelion kisses of life and love….well, it makes our hearts swell! Sometimes I think a family is raising each other, not just parents raising children, but children teaching us what life is all about. Take care and God Bless.

  3. How lovely and what a wonderful job you both are doing in raising such a caring and sensitive young man. I found your site while research by for unusual inspiring jewelry. I’m and artist and at 57 I was recently diagnosis with breast cancer. While I embrace the ‘ribbon world’ I’m not so much about the pink. I should clarify I don’t believe one cancer is more important than others. While breast cancer is more media promoted…pink…I have experienced with my own family and friends, brain cancer, melanoma amount others. Your jewelry can become individually special thru your personalization. Maybe only known to that person, such as Sept. stone meaning colon cancer. Or one of your stackable rings with a wave pattern…a ribbon. I’m planning to order a few items myself and can’t wait to get them. Thank you for your inspiration

  4. He is just a treasure. What a thoughtful person. The brotherly love he and David share is remarkable.

  5. He had to learn all that incredible love and tenderness somewhere and it began with you and your husband. You are a beautiful family and truly what the world needs more of. I follow your blog to restore my spirit that not all in the world is bad. As the song goes….What the world needs now, is love sweet love. Peace and Blessings

  6. That is simply the most beautiful sentiment I’ve ever heard from anyone. Your family inspires me to have faith in mankind. Thank you for sharing.

  7. I’m pretty sure I shared this book with you before, Lisa, but in case I didn’t…..”The Power of the Powerless” by Christopher De Vinck is a precious true story that is all about what you have said here. I hope you can get a copy. All these years later it is still in my heart.

  8. This is so awesome. Matthias is quite a thoughtful guy with such a big heart! His future wife will be very blessed. Much love to all of you!

  9. Our son with Cerebral Palsy has also taught his older brother so much about love & acceptance. He is only 7 but has been through the early arrival of his brother & all that came along with that and me having breast cancer at 35. We pray daily that those life experiences didn’t ruin him, but make him better. This blog has brought so much happiness to my life. Bless you! (And thanks for designing such beautiful stuff. I adore my rings I received this week!)

  10. Whoa is right! You obviously have raised beautiful souls already in your children! You continually inspire me with all the tidbits that you share of your precious family! Thank you!

  11. God has already chosen the perfect mate for that sweet, amazing boy. I love him for his heart which is filled to the brim with the love of Jesus. David will always have a place with David and that must bring you much peace.

  12. Wow….what an obligation we have to raise boys and help them to find and nurture their compassion and empathy. It isn’t always naturally wired in them. You have a very special son…2 of them!! How lucky you are!!

  13. Lisa,
    What insight he has for someone so young. God has truly blessed him with a heart of compassion. I love reading your thoughts, thank you for sharing with us the “good” and the “tough” stuff of life with us.

  14. Lisa–he has obviously inherited your tender heart in how you have loved and accepted his big brother. His way of looking at live is through the eyes and the lens of how you treasure David. When Matthias does meet “the one” she will be blessed beyond words.

  15. She is out there for sure and he will find her…later, much later. He has a whole lot of living to do!

  16. I have been following your blog for many years now, suggested to me by my wife because of your photography and jewelry. Along the way, I have been amazed at Matthias and the incredible human he is. As a mechanical engineer and creative person myself, I love that you encourage his art, drawing, and sketching. Thanks for sharing your adventure with us.

  17. God will provide the right girl for your son. I have adult sons, the youngest with a disability and I was worried for many years that my older son would have a difficult time finding a wife willing to take on the challenge of having a special needs family member. My older son developed an unbelievable sense of compassion toward his brother at an early age and I shouldn’t have been worried at all. A friend once told me, ‘regardless of your family situation, you want your son to find a girl who is compassionate and loving, pray for that and God will take care of the rest.’ My older son married a beautiful girl, inside and out, last year and I know she was a gift from God to our family. God knows what your boys need and his perfect plan will take care of those details us Mommas tend to worry about.

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