I have a fun giveaway for you! We’re partnering with Now Yours–a shop that sells affordable, fun accessories. I have the rose gold watch, and it’s super fun and easy to wear.
Outfit details: Coated jeans, Old Navy. cream top, Lauren Conrad for Kohls. Sweater, Forever 21. Booties, Sam & Libby for Target. Denim jacket, Gap. Scarf, TJ Maxx. Bag, Jo Totes. Necklace, My shop. Rose gold watch, Now Yours.
So how about a giveaway? One lucky winner will get a floral scarf, rose gold watch and $25 gift card to anthropologie. Woohoo! Scroll down for details.
To enter, subscribe to to the newsletter at Now Yours {see the top right side of the screen to sign up!}
For extra entries, ‘like’ Now Yours on facebook and follow them on Instagram.
Make sure to leave a comment for each entry. I hope you win!
I follow on Instagram
I subscribe to your newsletter!
I hope that this is still open! I already subscribe to the newsletter. Thank you for another amazing giveaway. That watch is beautiful!
Signed up for newsletter! thanks
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Following on Instagram. Signed up for the newsletter!
signed up for the newsletter!
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I signed up for the Now Yours subscription.
I am following on instagram – fashionfrugality
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I subscribe!
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follow them on Instagram (homepartieslife)
liked their fb page: Gina Sposato Parker
signed up for the newsletter! homepartieslife AT gmail DOT com
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(eva marie scott)
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I subscribed to your newsletter! Happy Autumn!
Followed on IG:)
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I signed up for their news letter! What an awesome give-away!
I also started following them on Instagram!
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I liked them on facebook. Thanks for a chance to win.
Love the color of your watch. I love the prices at Now Yours. Thank you for sharing. I will be looking for some Christmas Gifts for sure.
I subscribed
Following on Instagram! Thank you!
…and Instagram
Also followed on Facebook. What a beautiful company
Signed up for the newsletter…I love the gold watch!!!
Following on Instagram!:)
Liked on Facebook:)
Signed up!
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followed on Instagram
Subscribed to newsletter!
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I like now yours on facebook – michelle chappell
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
Following on instagram as mrsmchappell
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
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mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
I also liked them on FB.
I signed up for the newsletter.
I also like them on FB!
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liked them on facebook!
i subscribed to the newsletter!
followed on instagram!
I like Now Yours on facebook!
I’m a newsletter groupie!
Signed up for newsletter!! You both have beautiful items. Need to start shopping!
I subscribed to the newsletter and liked on facebook. Thanks for the great giveaway!
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I’m following them on IG!
oooh what fun! I’m all signed up!
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Signed up for the newsletter.
i liked them on facebook!
Following on FB and instagram @ simplifiedhome
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and following on IG
liked them on FB!
signed up for their newsletter and put a few things in my cart.
Liked them on FB!
Signed up for the newsletter!
And liked on FB. (: Weehoo!
And followed on IG…
I subscribed to the newsletter…
Now following Now Yours on Instragram!
Just signed up for the newsletter! Cool deals!!! Thanks for such a great giveaway and the chance to win.
I liked them on Facebook :).
I signed up for the newsletter. Love that watch!
Newsletter signed up!
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I liked them on Facebook! Can’t get to Instagram at work!
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Follow them on Instagram.
Subscribed to the newsletter.
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I subscribed!
I follow Now Yours on instagram! Thanks again!
I followed Now Yours on Instagram!
I liked Now Yours on Facebook
i signed up for the newsletter
thanks for the giveaway!
I signed up for the newsletter. Thanks!
I like Now Yours on FB
Signed up for the newsletter! Thanks for the chance!
WHat a fabulous giveaway! Good luck all!
I signed up for the newsletter!
I subscribed to the newsleter
Aaaand, I’m following them on IG now. Can you tell I REALLY wanna win this giveaway?
Subscribed for the newsletter. Thanks for such a sweet giveaway!
thank you for giveaway! following all!
And I signed up for their newsletter at their website.
I liked Now Yours on fb!
Following on Instagram
signed up for newsletter but I think I did my other email oops, oh well
this makes the week so fun! Great giveaway, you make everything look extra sharp
Annnnd liked their facebook.
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Liked them on FB!
Signed up for the newsletter!
Following on instagram!
subscribed to the newsletter!
Following on Instagram too!
I just subscribed to their newsletter!
Following on Instagram.
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I subscribed to their newsletter.
Followed on Istagram as SGG_happyathome
Liked on Facebook – as Sonja Greene
Signed up for Newsletter.
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i subscribed!!
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I liked fb pg
I subscribed
Beautiful!! Signed up for the newsletter:)
I subscribed!
Following on instagram!
Thanks for the opportunity to win this awesome prize.
Getting the newsletter!
Liked on facebook.
Subscribed to newsletter.
I subscribed! What a great giveaway – like Christmas in October (:
I follow Now Yours on Instagram.
I like Now Yours on fb.
I signed up for the newsletter.
I subscribed, liked & followed! Super cute stuff!!
Followed on Instagram.
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Signed up for newsletter!
signed up for the newsletter! cool site
Liked on Facebook!!! Love these accessories!!! Keeping my fingers crossed!
i liked now yours on facebook
I just signed up for the newsletter…unfortunately I am not on social media! Thanks for the great giveaway!!!
Following on Instagram!!!
Signed up for the newsletter! What a great giveaway!!!