I have a fun giveaway for you! { now yours }

I have a fun giveaway for you! We’re partnering with Now Yours–a shop that sells affordable, fun accessories. I have the rose gold watch, and it’s super fun and easy to wear.

Outfit details: Coated jeans, Old Navy. cream top, Lauren Conrad for Kohls. Sweater, Forever 21. Booties, Sam & Libby for Target. Denim jacket, Gap. Scarf, TJ Maxx. Bag, Jo Totes. Necklace, My shop. Rose gold watch, Now Yours.

So how about a giveaway? One lucky winner will get a floral scarf, rose gold watch and $25 gift card to anthropologie. Woohoo! Scroll down for details.

To enter, subscribe to to the newsletter at Now Yours {see the top right side of the screen to sign up!}

For extra entries, ‘like’ Now Yours on facebook and follow them on Instagram.

Make sure to leave a comment for each entry. I hope you win!


  1. I hope that this is still open! I already subscribe to the newsletter. Thank you for another amazing giveaway. That watch is beautiful!

  2. Love the color of your watch. I love the prices at Now Yours. Thank you for sharing. I will be looking for some Christmas Gifts for sure.

  3. I just signed up for the newsletter…unfortunately I am not on social media! Thanks for the great giveaway!!!

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