life {in} grace eBook giveaway!

I’m super excited to be teaming up with Edie Wadsworth with Life {in} Grace. We’re giving away five copies of her eBook, “31 Days to the Heart of Hospitality“.  Around the time of year when everyone is talking about love, this is the perfect book. Edie writes from a place of knowing that every human heart aches to be known and to be loved. Isn’t that the truth!

After a devastating house fire in 2010, the topic of hospitality started to grow on her heart.

She answers the question,  “what is hospitality?” by exploring what it means to be open and vulnerable, as well as how to make guests feel welcome with practical things like new recipes and home décor.

Edie talks about how we are called to love our neighbors as ourself, but even when we don’t, God welcomes us at His table to forgive us and to feed us. How beautiful is that?! Below is a picture of Edie and her family.

All you need to do is post a comment saying what hospitality means to you below! We will be announcing the winner on Thursday, Feb. 21st. Be sure to check out the Life {in} Grace website and “like” the facebook page. I’m taking the 31 day journey, are you?


  1. Hospitality is….friends round my table, family in my spare room, a home cooked meal delivered to friends and their newborn, neighbours round your tree lit for the season and a welcoming lemon cake and hot tea to all who smile!!

  2. I’m learning that hospitality is more than just offering your guests a cup of coffee, or even opening up your home. It’s more about opening up who you are; your heart, and allowing people to take residence there. It’s sharing all you have with those around you. Often that shows itself in the sharing of a meal, providing a bed to sleep in, babysitting, or the famous cup of sugar. It’s not about being perfect, but simply giving the best of ourselves to those we love. It’s about creating a hub of community with those around you.

  3. Warmly welcoming visitors, no matter what the condition of my home, is true hospitality to me. This is difficult for me, but I’m doing better!

  4. Hospitality is an opening up of yourself, your home and your heart to another…giving of yourself to another. Inviting someone to see “inside” the real you…

  5. Hospitality means always having a chair at the table whomever drops by. The door is always open and you’re always welcome.

  6. Hospitality is welcoming people in, whether things are perfect or not – focusing on THEM more than whether the house is pristine or there are toys out or the floor could use a vacuum. Everyone really just wants to see us in an authentic way. That’s friendship and hospitality. Seeing “real” is more of an honor than seeing “perfect.”

  7. to me, hospitality is creating space for others. Whether it be an open heart to listen or an open door to my home and a cup of tea, I think hospitality can be created in even the most unlikely places.

  8. hospitality is allowing someone to come in, to enter in to my life, my home, even, if not especially, my heart. it’s choosing to love and give and be with the this someone. being grace and giving grace and welcoming the other accepting the someone. period. no questions asked. hospitality is loving.

  9. Hospitality is making people feel they are a part of what ever is going on, not just in our homes but out in the world too. It is being interested in and really listening to people you come in contact with every day.

  10. Hospitality is…..having a home so comfy that your friends bring their slippers when they come for the evening or to watch a game!

  11. So happy to have found this blog, via (in) courage and Lisa Leonard :))
    Hospitality is open ……open home, heart, hands and the possibilities that God wants to bless our life with and through :)) great post !

  12. Hospitality is thinking outside yourself. Putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and making your home their home.

  13. Hospitality means opening my home, life experiences & heart to others. Meeting them where they are in their journey. Lots of wonderful times have been shared over a simple cup of coffee.

  14. Hospitality doesn’t come easily to me. But with God’s help, I’m learning that making people welcome in my home is not about how clean or decorated it is, it’s about my heart attitude and showing them how delighted I am to have them in my home. ♥

  15. I was brought up being hospitale. And now as an adult I love opening up my home and my life and my feelings for others and making them feel loved and comforted.

  16. I think hospitality means not being afraid. I feel like i’m always waiting for my house to be perfect (which it never will be) before inviting people over. I finally had a revelation when my daughter wanted a Halloween party. I decided if I waited until the house looked the way I wanted it to before entertaining, my daughter would be grown up and gone before I ever had that party! And although we still need to update our horrid 1970s kitchen, and the cute slipcovers for the sofa and loveseat aren’t really fooling anybody about how old they are, I realize nobody really cares except me. And I’m getting over it. Now I really want to start a book club and host it at my house! 🙂

  17. Hospitality is excepting others no matter what! A smile, hug and a handshake says a lot!

    Happy weekend! Just left the Central Coast spending quality time with my Mom…..hated to leave the beautiful weather!

  18. Hospitality is opening your home to others and being a blessing to them. Having a clean, but not perfect home. Feeding them well, but knowing the conversation is more important. Including your children so they can develop a servant’s heart. Also, hospitality can happen anywhere…it is slowing down and taking time for others.

  19. Hospitality is making others feel comfortable and welcome. It is not about perfection or having it all together, but rather a warm loving environment that others feel at home in.

  20. Hospitality is taking time for someone. Taking the time to listen to them, serve them a bowl of chili, and make sure they know you’re there for them.
    (I manage a guesthouse for missionaries in Senegal, so I’m always learning more and more about hospitality!)

  21. Hospitality is making others feel comfortable, relaxed, open wherever they are. You can be hospitable even while not being at home. I pray my home is hospitable.

  22. The meaning of Hospitality has changed for me in the last few years. Interfaith is a group of people that come to our church about every 3 months for 1 week. It’s a different group of people each time they visit. They stay in rooms at our church and different members of the church prepare meals for them, take children to school, help the adults find jobs, and do what we can to help them. They are getting back on their feet. Some have lost their jobs, homes, spouses, cars, and have major life changes.
    My husband and I prepare a home cooked meal for them, play with their babies or children, laugh or cry with them, and just spend an evening with them. We are always so blessed by each family! This is what I feel that is Hospitality is!

    1. The meaning of Hospitality has changed for me in the last few years. Interfaith is a group of people that come to our church for 1 week every 3 months. They stay at our church while they are trying to get back on their feet. They might have lost their jobs, homes, cars, spouses, and etc. My husband & I prepare a home cooked meal for them, play with thier children, laugh or cry with them, and just spend an evening with them! We are always so blessed by each family that is there! That is what I call Hospitality!

  23. Oh I love her blog and would love to read her book on hospitality. Hospitality for us means: “Living with the tent flaps open” our home is your home… and our couch is your couch!!!

  24. Hospitality to me is allowing Jesus to shine through me and my family so that EVERY person that we encounter knows that they can come as they are and know that they are loved.

  25. Hospitality to me is being free to be totally you, and to extend that freedom to others. The freedom to be good enough, to be accepted, to be loved, to be human.

  26. Hospitality to me, is sharing of yourself to others. It matters not to me if my house (or theirs, if I’m visiting) is perfectly clean and spotless, but if we’re all comfortable, and can have great conversation, then I consider myself successful. Hospitality isn’t even always about having people over, but sending a meal to a sick person, or someone who’s alone, or just as a random act of kindness.

  27. As an introvert, I prefer one-to-one communication. Hospitality with more two or more involves facing my insecurities and stretching my boundaries.

  28. When I was younger (before kids) I had to have the cleanest house, the perfect menu, flowers on the table etc. before guests could come over. Over the years I have had the blessing of being a guest in others homes who don’t sweat the small stuff and just enjoy people in their home and making memories and enjoying time together. I have learned so much. Now, dirty house w/no food in the fridge…..move aside the clutter, order pizza and open a bottle of wine…..your guests will feel comfortable if you are 🙂

  29. Hospitality means different things in different countries, I’ve learned. Living overseas for a total of 4 years I learned that hospitality means unannounced visits for coffee and some sort of sweet treat–which was hard when we had our little kids with us. Now that we are living back in the states, hospitality means opening my home to unexpected and planned visitors and inviting them into our mess/chaos of a house with 3 little boys. Now, I actually prefer unannounced visits–less stress of “keeping up the airs” of a put-together home/life and real “this is our life” welcome in and have a seat. Sit and talk, have drink of some sort and stay as long as you want.

  30. Hospitality is welcoming people in to your home or community, making them comfortable, and sharing their company and having fun.

  31. Hospitality means opening up your home and life to anyone at any time and letting them see the so not perfect you so that everything that is perfect about Christ shines through. Serving warm drinks really helps in this process too! 🙂


  32. Hospitality to me is making your home comfortable to those who come in, being welcoming, making my house a home with a candle always on and praying over your house each day for it to be just that.

  33. I love having people in my home. I love living out hospitality in front of my children so that they learn to put others before themselves. And I also love being shown hospitality. It is always such an honor to be invited into someone’s home.

  34. Hospitality means caring about others and paying it forward! Its as simple as that! Always being the best you you can be for others!

  35. Hospitality is sharing with others in their need, regardless of the setting. Several years ago I was stranded on an interstate in a sudden snowstorm. After 6 1/2 hours I was able to get off at an exit. I was met by rescue workers who took me to a nearby church. They were ready for anyone stranded with food, sleeping bags, games, toys for kids, and plenty of hugs. It was such a blessing to be received with open arms by people I had never met and will likely never cross paths with again. I will never forget their generosity.

  36. Hospitality is serving like Christ serves and loving them as such. It’s giving all of yourself and your home to make them feel important and loved.

  37. To me hospitality is a chance to emulate Christ through my home. We as believers need to work especially hard at loving others through our homes, meals and friendship.

  38. Hospitality is giving to others what you have; freely sharing your home and life. It can be as easy as ordering pizza with other people!

  39. hospitality is a chance for every family member to make a guest feel like they are “home”. My Mom always made our house feel like you could live in it, not stuffy. I loved that! I would love to win this book

  40. Hospitality is extending a welcome to anyone whether it be a friend, family member or someone in need and making them feel safe, comfortable and loved.

  41. So excited to read Edie’s book! Hospitality means doing life together. Come as you are because you are accepted, loved and wanted here.

  42. Hospitality to me means “WELCOME HOME” instead of “welcome to MY home”. It’s all a matter of perspective. Amazing when you have that mind shift what a difference it makes in your life!!

  43. To me, hospitality is making someone feel welcomed, wanted and comfortable enough to relax. My house is perfectly imperfect, but it’s warm and inviting (calming colors, comfortable furniture, always a snuggly blanket nearby). I grew up thinking everything had to look like a spread out of a magazine before the house was opened up to guests. But at my home, there might might be dust bunnies on the floor, some dishes in the sink, but you are still welcome to spend time with us and make yourself at home.

  44. Hospitality means having a a place people know they are always welcome- whether they are dressed adorable, or jammies adorned. Where they feel okay about opening the fridge to grab a snack, and kicking their shoes off at the door. Where they can feel God’s love throughout.

  45. Hospitality is making another person feel welcome, wanted, comfortable, cared for or loved when they would benefit from someone else’s caring touch. Some people are better at being hospitable… I think children benefit from learning this skill -which will come in handy as we dip further into a technological society.

  46. I just started following Edie this week and she is really an amazing person and her house is to-die-for! Hospitality to me is showing someone that you care even when you just to be selfish. It is so rewarding.

  47. Feeding people = LOVE. Sharing homemade goodies with the neighbors. Having fresh baked cookies waiting for the kiddos when they come home. Cooking dinner for my hard working husband. Coffee at the kitchen table with a friend. I don’t think you can have hospitality without LOVE!

  48. Being a military family, hospitality is important because we are all away from family, especially during holidays. I love having a huge crowd over! it helps to have a full house when you are homesick.

  49. I was raised in an environment where everything had to be “perfect” before people were invited in. So you can imagine how skewed my view of hospitality was until I had a home of my own.
    I’ve come to see that its not about me or even the state of my home. Not everything has to be perfect. In today’s impersonal society of busy-ness and social media(ie: less face to face interactions) I have found that people just want to be welcomed in-somewhere safe, peaceful and relaxing. I’ve visited many different homes in different countries. Guess which ones showed me the best hospitality? Not the hostesses with magazine-worthy houses and the best food. It was the simplest of shack type dwellings where they gave whatever they had and sat down to carry on a conversation with me.
    Their simplicity touched my heart. I want to be like that.

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