hello honey, hello monday

Hey friends! I hope you had a fabulous weekend.

We had some sweet time with my sister, her awesome husband and my beautiful nieces last week. Friday evening we went to the boys’ school carnival, ate all the candy we could and then had pizza for dinner. It was wonderful!

Then Steve arrived home from India on Saturday, we had some solid {much needed} family time and then late Saturday he came down with food poisoning. I’m so thankful we had a few hours together before he got sick. And he’s thankful he wasn’t sick on the plane. We’re so glad he’s home!

Today I’m sharing pics from time with my sister and her family. How about some hellos?

Hello time in Cambria. If you haven’t been there, it’s about 45 minutes north of San Luis Obispo. It’s a charming community full of art, adorable shops and good food. They got a beach front cottage and we got to soak it up a bit too!

Hello to my neices. They’re addicted to minecraft, just like Matthias!

Hello gorgeous view. I can hardly take it all in! And the sunset, oh my!

Hello mixing patterns. I love it.

Hello sweet reminders. I loved this little sign in the shower.

Hello working while you’re away. If you have to get stuff done, it may as well be oceanside!

Hello canvas bag from our new paper & cloth collection. Love love love.

Hello timed pics. I set the timer on my camera–and the tops of our heads are cut off. But who cares?!

Hello blue skies. The weather has been quite warm around these parts.

Hello pretty table. Hello fish tacos that rocked my world. We ate lunch at Robin’s in Cambria.

Hello light coming through hung crystals.

Hello twin sister. She is such a blessing. I loved our time together.

Hello branches against the sky.

Hello honey. I’m so glad Steve is home.

Hello craving sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce.

Hello so much to share this week.

Hello brand new, beautiful week. I am ready to see what you have in store.

What are you saying hello to this week? Leave some hellos in the comments or leave a link to your own hello monday post there!


  1. Yay – Steve’s home!

    Hello, fresh new start. It was one of THOSE weekends. Hello, last week of soccer for Annabelle before the rain sets in. Hello, parent-teacher conference week. Hello, I’m going to my first food swap with a bunch of homemade cocoa mix for trade! Hello, most of all, to my cousin {who is like my twin!} and her baby boy coming to visit for a few weeks. My heart is bursting!

  2. Family is such a blessing!

    Sorry about the food poisoning..ugh..but there are always the good points to be found when we look. Thank goodness Steve was home.

    Your nieces are darling!

    Your hello mondays are such fun and inspired me to start my own link-up! It seems like I haven’t found that many link-ups for just general memory posts. 🙂 Have a great week!


  3. My boys are addicted to minecraft too and I have NO idea what it is. Probably should check it out, huh? And so sorry Steve got sick, but glad you all are together again. I hate when my hubby travels. 🙂
    Saying hello to finding beauty in a disasterous last min road trip to the mountains, lots of fresh inspiration and new additions to the shop as well. http://happylittlelovelies.com/2013/10/21/hello-monday-lessons-learned/

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