hello monday

hello wedding week!

hello love and romance

hello vintage inspiration

hello little white lights

hello pretty packages

hello first kiss as mr. and mrs.hello new things to share

hello sweet things to treasure

hello moments to cherish

hello flowers and ribbons

hello sunshine {and sunsets!}

hello monday! we’ve got so much to share with you!

what are you saying hello to today?


  1. Hello cooler weather in Australia – finally!

    So I may just need to order forks, for no special occasion, as the photo you’ve taken above is on the same plates my Mom has at her home and I swear the forks are the same design as the set we were given by my in-laws 10- years ago this week for our engagement.

  2. Hello autumn, (here in Aus) hello exercising and the feel good factor that goes with it, hello hot chocolates, hello playing on the see saw with my 2 year old, hello feeling lighter and brighter today.

  3. like the rest of the world…I LOVE THE FORKS!
    Can we order some??? Oh please, please.
    Happy Monday, you rock!

  4. i find it hilarious that you keep posting (well only twice) wedding photos of folks that i know! we weren’t able to make Jen & Jake’s wedding but it looked so gorgeous! like a dream! i do love the peets! do you know them?
    i am saying hello to…
    spring cleaning.
    time for projects.
    Psalm 121.
    date night with my hubs!

  5. hello sunshine.
    hello making cards with girlfriends.
    hello laundry, I really do love you.
    hello billing and invoicing…and paycheck.
    hello deer in the field.

  6. hello spring break
    hello sunshine (goodbye cold dreary days)
    hello maybe-possibly-might-be romance
    hello old&new&kindof friends
    hello everyone♥

  7. Ok, hello, love the forks. What a fun wedding shower gift idea. Is that something you’ll be selling soon???

  8. Hello Lisa … Hello Monday … Hello cheetos … Hello to my ever growing round baby belly 🙂 !

  9. just opened my package from lld!!! SOOO happy!! made my day– i took pictures of each item being opened. 🙂

  10. Hello clean house! Hello rain. Hello to using new ideas in my classroom, that always excites me! 🙂

  11. I’m saying Hello to more snow, a great kettlebell workout, and lunch with a treasured friend today!

  12. Loving that vintage typewriter photo and the photo of the forks!!
    hello to the new car we bought this weekend and goodbye to my husbands ’94 jeep with no heat and no air. He’s still in mourning for the jeep, but i coulnd’t be happier! 😉
    Oh and hello to this cold weather…. where did you come from??

  13. I love love love your photos!! Saying hello to sunshine in England today – so happy to finally see some.

  14. Hello to Monday which is actually my Wednesday. 2 more days and I can sleep in! But more importantly, hello to the first day of my 21day green smoothie challenge…. here we go!

  15. Oh monday’s usually mean ‘blah’ for me, but this post made me think about my up-coming wedding in the fall ahh happiness! thank you Lisa!

  16. Hello white roses on my kitchen table.
    Hello happy people at the office.
    Hello sunshine looking amazing through my window.
    Hello God, thank you for everything you taught me this weekend!

  17. Well, we said hello to over 15 inches of snow this morning!:) On Saturday it was 40 degrees and torrentially downpouring and we were facing flooding. Today we’re snowed in. And guess what? Its supposed to be 48 degrees tomorrow= more flooding.
    But we’re choosing to make the best of it. We’ll get some baking done, playing in the snow and lots of cuddle & pj time:)

  18. Hello promotion at work and way too much rain yesterday! 🙂

    I love those forks! I saw a magazine around Christmas time that had a huge miss-matched set of silver that could be custom engraved with an initial or symbol (like a little lowercase “g”s or maybe a little star). Of course my mom went on a recycling rampage and the magazine was gone before I could even remember the name! If you come across a fun mismatched plated silver set, and it could be engraved, I would gladly become a loyal customer 😉

    Can’t wait to see all the wedding photos!

  19. Hello overtime at work today!
    Hello Coffee and Carrot/Raisin Muffin(which i shouldn’t be having)
    Hello bike ride after work!
    Hello Lisa for bring your beautiful picture’s and inspiring words to my morning. 🙂

  20. hello to our son we are adopting and will meet for the first time very soon–hopefully on Thursday!!!
    (hello to phone calls, plans, cleaning, shopping,paperwork, tears and smiles and a new adventure for our family)

  21. We’re saying hello to the second Monday snowday in a row! We are snowed in! Expecting up to 30 inches of snow by the time it’s done!

  22. Hello last week of not knowing what’s making me sick (Dr. visit on Friday should take care of that!)

    Hello big move being planned (Denmark to the US in 3 months. Eek!)

    Hello last week of not writing my bachelor thesis (next week I will finish the beast!!)

    And Hello wedding week on Lisa Leonard!!! Yay!!!!

  23. Hello Monday, Hello Lisa, Hello to more snow in NE! I love the forks! If I would send you some of my great, great grandparents forks, can you put something on them for me? That is so cool! I will pay for all of the shipping back and forth…..love it! Have a blessed day!

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