hello monday {i love you}

It’s Monday–and it’s Valentine’s week! Let’s hear it for hearts and flowers and LOVE! How about some hellos?

Hello kids with friends, my sweetie and me having some down time. {So good, so needed!}

Hello beach and sun. {Feeds my soul}

Hello ideas and journaling.

Hello time with friends.

Hello book to read and no interruptions.

Hello sleeping in.

Hello brand new week!

We’re in Mexico for a few days. I can’t believe how much I needed a getaway. And I’ll be sharing pics soon!


  1. Hello to Valentines week!
    Hello to a good start on Monday!
    Hello to walking with friend and taking a spill to the ground on my stomach!
    Hello to being glad nothing was broken!
    Hello to all the people running to me at the park!
    Hello to being glad they cared!
    Hello to Lisa for all her beautiful things she does!
    Hello to Lisa having great talent!
    Hello to Lisa she makes my day!

  2. I have the exact same typewriter Lisa! The only difference (may be) that it belonged to my husband’s Cuban grandfather so ours has all the Spanish marks of punctuation too. My girls love to type on it!
    Have a wonderful time away in Mexico!

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