I can’t believe my youngest is ten! {new beginnings in Legoland}

***Hello Monday is where I greet the new week with an open heart and a fresh perspective. It’s a new beginning–and there’s so much to be thankful for! Join me by leaving your own hellos in the comments section or linking up a hello monday post there!***

Hello friends! Last weekend we went down to San Diego, California and celebrated Matthias’ 10th birthday at Legoland. We met up with twin sister and her girls {who are also twins!} and we had a blast.

I can’t believe my youngest is ten. That’s crazy! And exciting. He’s such a fun, tender-hearted kiddo.

How about some hellos for a new week?

Hello happy to be with cousins!

Hello goofball! Matthias wanted me to take a pic of him running from the lego dinosaur.

Hello heart melting. Lexie is such a sweet cousin and helped David walk.

Hello signs. Which way to the ice cream?

Hello twin sis. Any time I get to spend with her is absolutely precious to me!

Hello afternoon nap. Nothing wrong with that!

Hello lego cities and sculptures. Amazing!

Hello daddy. Matthias sure loves his dad.

Hello hanging out. It’s so good just to be together.

Hello sun setting and California flag.

Hello eating low carb–one week down and the rest of our lives to go! I can’t believe we made it week. Hooray!

Hello volunteering at the boys school this week.

Hello clean master bedroom. I worked on it over the weekend and it looks great–now I need to keep it that way!

Hello to our last week of January. What?!

Hello to starting a new book. I’m jumping in to The Lowland by Jumpa Lahiri.

Hello catching up on Downton Abbey–do you watch it?

Hello brand new week. Hello Monday!

What are you saying hello to this week? Leave some hellos in the comments or link up your own hello monday post there!


  1. I love Legoland! I’ve been many times in California (I used to live in San Juan Capistrano), and I’ve been in Windsor, too. Maybe you’ve been with your England relatives? I have twins, too…boys. What a blessing.
    Come to think of it, I’ve been to Legoland Florida, too. We LOVE Legoland!

  2. Hello to a great doctor appt for my son with wonderful news about his health! Praying for the same experience for you and David!

  3. Lisa u so motivate me and your words always make my heart smile.i love downton Abby I have already watched the new season. If u would like website let me know.i watch it on my notebook.love love love it.another I just started watching is reign great clothes great history.have a blessed day hugs

  4. Happy Birthday, Mathias! Wow!!

    Hello to memories of a wonderful weekend with two of my favorite buddies. Hello to having had a total of 9 hours on a train this weekend to decompress and read and relax and catch up. Hello to a doctor’s appointment this morning that took away my fears. Hello to my favorite brother turning 45 today {!!}. Hello to giving my seniors their semester finals this week – lots of grading! Hello to a fun trip to Seattle with family coming up Saturday afternoon, and, um, hello to our Seahawks winning the Super Bowl this Sunday, right?!

  5. Love going on these adventures with you! Happy birthday to your sweet boy. 🙂 Btw, do you ever watch The Mindy Project? Mindy Kaling writes and acts in it and her character is Dr. Lahiri. I wonder if it’s inspired by the author?

    Anyway, saying hello to some ADD, a bit of the winter blues (yuck), fun projects I want to take on soon and purging our hall closet. http://happylittlelovelies.com/2014/01/27/hello-monday-the-weak-add-project-version/

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