friday love {free earring friday!}

It’s Friday and I’m linking upwith Jeannett at Life Rearranged for some cell phone pic inspiration. Join us!Love these bright colors from Gussy Sews–I’ve got my make-up in one. Hop over and read her latest blog post about feeling lonely and being brave. So good.

Yum, Chipotle makes everything a little brighter. I tried a few things before I settled on my favorite, barbacoa tacos.

I found two great shades of lipstick at the grocery store the other day–that’s kind of like winning the lottery. One is super red, the other is a pinky red. Can’t wait to share.

Target is full of colors–from nail polish to tea towels. It makes me want to add some color to our kitchen.

My mom, sister and nephew Brandon are visiting this week and it’s been wonderful! David has been such a good sharer with his keyboard. I love hearing their duets.

Del Monte cafe is such a sweet little spot in San Luis Obispo–right across from the train station. Perfect for a cozy lunch. I had a cheeseburger.

Brandon kept us all completely entertained–could he be any cuter?

Love this blue willow teacup I found while thrifting yesterday. I didn’t buy it, but it made me want to pull out my grandmother’s old teacups and have a gathering. Wouldn’t that be fun?

This photo was taken by Lena Larssen at a workshop a few months ago with Cameron Ingalls. We did an inspiration shoot and took time to dream and get inspired. So good.

Today is free earring friday–whoo hoo! We haven’t done one in a few months. Get a free pair of earrings with any purchase–just enter code freeearrings32 at checkout–when we see the code on your invoice, we’ll put a free pair of pearl earrings in your package.

Click here to shop!

This weekend our home needs some serious attention. For example, I’m still not completely unpacked from our Thailand trip {or Blissdom for that matter}. But maybe we’ll sneak a trip to the movies to see The Lorax.

What does your weekend hold?


  1. I love that picture of you with your camera!!

    We are off to see “The Lorax” this afternoon, too! Then tomorrow my husband and I are off to see “The Descendents;” guess it’s a movie weekend. Love it!

    I am just going to relax and focus on my house and my girls and my husband (and myself)…the last few weeks have been filled with finishing semester grades and finishing last year’s indiebiz!

  2. Thanks for the free earrings! I’ve been talking with my sisters about ordering a necklace for my mom’s birthday and now she will get earrings too 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. i have some of those colorful towels from target – yellow,green,orange,red and turquoise – i have them rolled and stuck in a white enamel strainer. it sits on my counter and adds color! i have also riden on the amtrak train to oregon. I love the stop at san luis obispo – it smells soooo delish there – all flowery!

  4. ladies conference in atascadero– of course! 🙂 first place i ever saw your work years ago!

  5. My wknd is going to be cleaning and rearranging a few things. And maybe going to Target to buy some new towels! 🙂 Love all the bright colors.
    Oh and yes your nephew is so stinkin cute!!

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