1. My plans today revolved around getting the house back in order after a weekend trip. Our weather is suppose to be beautiful this week though so I hope for some walks and enjoying of it!

  2. Here on the east coast we have the threat of bad weather, but so far it’s been sunny. I’m so thankful that warmer weather is here! More walks around the neighborhood, playdates at the park, etc., etc., etc.,… Also, just wanted to say thank you for the beautiful necklace you created for me. My husband ordered it for me for my birthday. I’ve received so many compliments, especially from other moms!

  3. WELL, it’s raining cats and dogs here in Baltimore….though, it was so nice on Sunday that my granddaughter ate her breakfast on the patio yesterday and then walked around the back yard in her PJs….

    Good for you for taking advantage of a beautiful day.

  4. had a wonderful weekend with my hubby,sons, granddaughter, parents and Sunday at our old church in the bay area! Can’t WAIT to see my necklaces!!! I forgot to call to see if they were ready Fri. when I was in Baywood.

  5. Hi Lisa, Here in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, we are under a “Winter Storm Warning” until Tuesday at 5pm, with the possibility of 10-15 inches of SNOW!!!! I’d already washed and put away the winter things! UUGGHH!!

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