you should know about…

these amazing ladies!!

First, my friend Sue. She is genuine, easy-going and the best hostess around. She bakes, decorates, is a great listener and tons of fun! Also, she is a very talented speaker. If you are looking for a Christian woman to speak at your women’s conference you should definitely check out Sue. Her blog is well written and so inspiring. Love you Sue!!

Second the designers at Creative Design Solutions. Janet and Erika walked into this mess *so embarrassing* but didn’t even flinch. We just painted our spare room (also known as the dumping ground for anything we don’t know what to do with). They worked their magic…
and 5 hours later the room looked like this…

Isn’t it lovely?? They organized, tidied and redesigned. They used what we already had but completely recreated the space. They are so creative and affordable! I love it! This space has always been blah and cluttered and they made it sooo beautiful.
If you live in SLO county give them a call to help redesign your spare room, office or any space. 543-3151


  1. Lisa – I just have to ask you about your photos. Are you a photographer? What type of camera do you use? I love the color of your pics. They seem to have an old fashioned look to them. Am I imagining this?


  2. I continue to be amazed at the talents in my circle of friends. It seems like, if you get 5 people together, you are going to have someone who knows medicine, finance, education, business…Your spare room looks amazing!

  3. What an awesome job!! Are they willing to come to Texas?? 🙂

    I’ll provide food, lodge, and jet skiis for the lake when they’re finished!

    Great job ladies!

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