sunshine and wildflowers


we’ve had such a mix of sunshine and sprinkles this week.

the sunshine, green hills and wildflowers are making me long for spring.

and the clouds and sprinkles make me long for a nap.

and after i nap, i want candy.

well, let’s face it nap or no nap, i want candy.




this picture so does NOT do justice to the beautiful fields of wildflowers we pass on or drive to school every day.





david is doing great.

super energetic and playful and such a rascal!

i feel like i spend half the day chasing him and the other half kissing him.

makes me a happy, tired mama.



matthias and i made brownies yesterday.

and i found this little owl at a consignment shop.

and i got the sweetest, aqua casserole dish.




our neighbors lemon tree is starting to ripen.

hope they don’t mind me taking pictures over the fence.

and matthias is all about push-up popsicles lately.


* * *

and thank you for your comments yesterday

thanks for your comments everyday-they are a sweet part of my day.

sending you sunshine and wildflowers  (and candy) today.

  1. Wow Lisa, gorgeous pics, especially the sweet ones of your boys:) Thanks for sharing those fields of wildflowers, you sure do live in a beautiful part of the world ~ Tina x

  2. Lisa,
    I just love your blog! It brings a bit of happiness to my day. Your photos are beautiful. You are inspiring me to look at my photo taking in a new way. You have a such a beautiful family. Hope your day is a happy one. Thanks for sharing.

  3. lisa….
    i love the picture you captured of the field you are so blessed to pass every day! it is gorgeous! a little glimpse of God’s handy work! thank you so much for sharing for it made my heart smile!
    i am so glad that you are home and enjoying “normalcy” and that life is back to it’s routine! so happy to hear david is doing well. i am sure it relaxes you and brings you comfort!
    thanks for all your heart and soul you offer here…whether it be in jewelry, writing and/or pictures! you are truly a talented woman.

  4. Oh Lisa~ I just wanted to say thank you for sharing…your heart, your talents, your story, your photos. I love seeing the pictures of the area. We lived in Los Osos for 7 glorious years when my husband was the worship pastor at El Morro Church of the Nazarene (the church with the 3 crosses on the hill) and I worked at First Bank on Higuera! Our first 2 sons were born in SLO (now both are in college in San Diego)! Looking at your photos of our old stomping grounds evokes such deep emotions *sigh*. That’s where our marriage/family really began. Sweet, sweet, precious memories. Thank you for many trips down memory lane for me. We are trying to plan a family trip to Los Osos this summer so our boys can see where they were born as they really don’t remember living there (so sad). Long post…sorry. Just wanted to share how deeply your blog touches my heart…..and my memories!

    So glad to hear David is doing so well. Blessings to you and your whole family. God is so good!!

    P.S. Your jewelry makes me drool!

  5. I cannot believe that hillside picture…that is just recently? I guess that’s what happens when you’re still in the throes of winter in Colorado. That and the lemon tree…whew, making me so homesick. Grew up in SoCal, but went to school in Santa Barbara w/ many lovely trips up and down the central coast. Would be my first pick to go if I ever get to move back.
    Always love your pictures. What kind of camera are you taking those with?
    ps-thanks for sharing about David. I was outraged to read the treatment you got in the hospital after he was born!! but I’m so glad to see him thriving and joyful now.

  6. I missed yesterday’s post (cleaning and organizing) But I am so thrilled for you, I will be sure to pick up a copy of the magazine.

    Today’s photos are gorgeous. Totally jealous that you have fields full of wild flowers while I have fields of snow…LOL

  7. Everything is so pretty. Oh that field of flowers- sigh. We are still far from flowers here in VA. Snow forecast again tonight. But it will be here soon. And the lemon tree. I can’t even imagine. Hope some fall onto your side of the fence.

  8. Would you say that David is a Scallywag too!?! I would love to be driving past fields of wildflowers and verdant hills right now; not to mention the ripening lemons in the neighbours yard. It is gently snowing in our neck of the woods today, and it is definitely Winter with a capital ‘W’ here in Southern Ontario, Canada. Thanks for the reminder that it won’t be long for spring to come and then we too will be enjoying push up popsicles as well as rhubarb and asparagus. No lemon trees though.

  9. Thank you for sharing the story of David joining your family – I was so touched by your honesty about your ambivalent feelings, by how you stood up for yourself with the hospital (yay!) and by how much you and your husband obviously love both of your terrific boys. Every time you post a picture of Matthias or David it’s so clear that you adore them – they’re gorgeous on their own but the love filter on your camera makes them look truly extraordinary.

  10. What a co-inkydink! i stopped by Goodwill today, and tho I hardly ever find a deal, I snagged a sweet owl statue much like yours – mint condition – $3. How I do love owls! Anthropologie has cute owl stuff, too.

  11. Hi Lisa,

    What a sweet post, as always! This brought tears to my eyes, in a good way and is making me long to NOT live in the city!

    Wearing my From Up Here necklace remembering that life REALLY is pretty simple – it really is!


  12. After ogling your photos, I want to move to California! (Don’t think that is happening any time soon though.)

    Rascal, I have not heard that word in a very long time. Thanks for making me smile. 🙂

    P.S. Now I am off to have some M & M’s. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm! 😉

  13. Love your drive to work! It is lovely. Our lemons and oranges are in full juiciness. There is nothing like sitting on a brick wall with some early spring sunshine on your face and the explosion of orange essence filling your very being.

  14. Oh How I miss this time of year down there. It makes me want to get in my little car and drive on hwy 166 to Cuyama. (sp?)

    I love your boys…They are so cute.

  15. I look forward to reading your posts every day (or whenever you happen to post!). Your attitude is outstanding. If I’m in a foul mood, your blog always fills me with a sense of peace and relaxation. Thank you so much for sharing with us!

  16. What a beautiful drive to witness everyday! Loving your photos as usual. 🙂

    Thanks for the sunshine, it worked, we got some today!!

    As for candy, I’m sure I’ll score some of that today too. 🙂

    Have a lovely day.

  17. i loved reading through david’s story yesterday. thanks for sharing openly and honestly. it was a blessing to me.
    happy wednesday!

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