cozy in the cooler weather

We are finally getting some colder weather. Which for many of you would be considered warm weather. We’ve had a high of around 60* the last couple days. But in the mornings it’s in the 30’s. Brrr {ok it’s not that cold but for us it is!!}

So since it’s been a little chilly I layered my new stitch fix skirt with tights that are lined with a cozy furry lining.

If you’re not familiar with stitch fix, it’s a monthly subscription where they send you a box of clothes. You keep what you like, send the rest back. It costs $20 for the stylist to put together items she thinks you’ll like. If you keep anything, you can put the $20 towards clothing. So far I’ve loved every box. It’s like Christmas! So fun. I highly recommend stitch fix. Click here to fill out a style profile.

This is not a sponsored post. There are referral links, but all opinions are my own.

One thing I love about stitch fix is that it helps break me out of ruts. I wouldn’t have chosen this skirt because it’s shorter than I usually wear. But paired with thick tights, it’s fun and different.

Did you notice my hair’s a little blonder? I’ve definitely been getting more attention. I got a marriage proposal from some guy at the grocery store yesterday. And another random guy said to call 9-1-1 because I was so hot. It actually makes me super uncomfortable. I try to laugh it off and get away as quickly as I can.

Rings, rings, rings! I am loving our layering rings. They are the best! And they start at $22! I’ve got two stacking rings and the my heart ring on in this picture. The stacking rings say ‘david’ and ‘matthias’ and the my heart ring says ‘i love you’. So sweet!

And this bracelet? Yeah it’s pretty much the sweetest thing ever! It says ‘you+me 07.99’ {the month/year we got married}

Just a little dash of color with the bracelets.

 Outfit details: Skirt, Stitch Fix. Sweater, Banana Republic. Black top, Target. Tights, TJ Maxx. Booties, Dolce Vida. Bag, Target. Bracelet, My shop. Rings, My shop.
* * *
What else was in my stitch fix box?
The skirt, denim jacket and scarf on the left are all stitch fix. And the striped sweater on the right is stitch fix. Pretty fun, right? You can see my last post about stitch fix here.
Are you open to having someone else pick out clothes for you? Are you already doing stitch fix? I’d love to hear your thoughts


  1. Cute! I did a Stitch Fix, it was like Christmas waiting for it and opening it up. I didn’t end up keeping anything. One of the tops was very similar to one I already own, or I would have kept it. The blazer they sent was adorable, but too small. I did have them do a more “office” clothes box, maybe in a couple months I’ll do a more casual wear box. Exciting!

    1. So fun Misty! I heard some people got blazers–I was kind of hoping for one. I love opening it up to see what’s inside. The surprise is so fun. xx

  2. I know I’m in the minority…but I’m LOVING the cooler weather! I feel like, with the exception of that one cold week we had in early Dec., I haven’t had any chance to wear boots, scarves, leggings, sweaters, etc. (which happen to be my very favorite things) so for me this is GREAT. I say, stay cold SLO! And please bring more rain 🙂 Have a great week Lisa!

  3. The marriage proposals and comments cracked me up! Isn’t it funny what blonde hair will do?! And can you imagine saying something like that to a man? It’s crazy what they think they can get away with. You’d better tell Steve he’s going to have to up his game ;).

  4. I’ve been doing Stitch Fix for about a year now and I absolutely LOVE it! Several of the items that I’ve gotten are things that I never would have picked out for myself, but have now become wardrobe staples. Even on the rare month that I don’t keep anything, it’s still super fun to get the box and look through it. Highly recommend it to anyone!

  5. Love, love, love what you’re wearing. I have the fuzzy lined leggings and oh my word are they warm! I’ve only really worn them under jeans, but I like how you have yours paired with a shorter skirt. I think I could try that.

    I’ve heard of Stitch Fix before but have never tried it. I think I like that idea, I tend to gravitate towards one style and that may move me out of my comfort zone.

    The jewelry… You are so incredibly talented. With my next blog paycheck, I’m going to have to peruse your shop. I use my blog money for fun stuff for myself. 🙂

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