what i wore wednesday


hello wednesday! wednesdays come really fast every week.

i wish fridays came that fast!

i got a haircut this weekend. it feels so good!

i’m linking up with lindsey for what i wore wednesday!


the gray dress above was found a few weeks ago at the gap, on sale $13.

boots, jessica simspon

bracelets, lisa leonard designs



above, gap jeans

ruffle top, local boutique

red flats, target

aqua stones necklace, lisa leonard designs

brave love (love this necklace!) lisa leonard designs



above, jeans, anthropolgie

flowy top, H&M

black flip flops, bass

through my lens necklace, lisa leonard designs

{with our new 30″ chain–love the long length!!}



above, dress, on sale at anthro (last year)

boots, a birthday gift, anthro–looove these boots!!

* * *

and for october (attention earlybird christmas shoppers)

if you buy $150 in jewelry (after discounts)

you can get a FREE petite original necklace (pictured above).

don’t add the necklace to your cart,

just leave a note for your custom initial in the notes section!

click here to shop.

* * *

there are plenty of things i would love to change about myself

but since david was born with 7 fingers, i really try not to dwell on those things.

i want to teach both of my boys to not just accept who they are, but also be thankful.

sooo, i like my curly hair (not in junior high, but it’s grown on me!)

and i like my blue eyes.

don’t be shy, tell us something you LIKE about yourself.


  1. Thanks for the inspiration to put more thought in how I dress. I think I have a pretty color of blue eyes. My little boy has my eye color also. It’s easy to throw on yoga pants and T-shirts as a stay at home mom. When you take a little time for yourself one does feel better especially when you look and feel pulled together.

  2. I like to see what you’re wearing. We have a very similar style and I love my LONG wavy hair and I like it as crazy as it wants to get. I just wash, condition, towel dry and out the door! You always look great but I wanted to tell you that the last dress shows of what a tiny little waistline you have!

  3. I really appreciate your sharing what you wear every Wednesday. You’re so artistic and stylish. It really gives me help in shopping and looking for my own clothes. Thanks so much! I really like my long waist. It’s better than saying, I hate my short legs!

  4. I like your curly hair too!!! I’ve decided that my eyes are OK, I guess my best feature. Still trying to like my nose though 🙂

  5. oh, and something I like about myself…my eyes. Like my mother’s & sister’s, they are “chameleon” color & change with what I’m wearing. Most often they are blue, like my husband’s & both of my grandmothers’. Our three children have deep lake blue colored eyes, too, so that really makes me like my eyes more. However, I wear glasses daily, so I don’t think I highlight them enough. Writing about them here makes me think to wear my contacts more frequently & doll them up a bit. ;-D

  6. My dear friend, Susan P., who knew you in CA, sent me to your site when she saw my silver jewelry, and am I ever glad she did!

    To answer your question, **who is the bravest person you know?** I reply it is currently my uncle, who is battling bronchioalveolar carcinoma. He is age 64 and an avid bicyclist who, in the fall in Michigan, is still at it, despite being Stage 4. He’s hit some real lows, but seems to be experiencing miraculous healing! Before him, though, it was young (age 3) Mary Claire, who fought against & lost to a brain tumor…

    On a daily basis it is my friend, Tiffany, whose son is autistic and often escapes from their house on a whim, only to be tracked by ankle bracelet so he can be safely returned home. For each of these (& more) faith plays a major key–we thank God for his grace & amazing mercy!!

  7. I like my smile, feet, hourglass figure (although more hour-glassy than I’d like right now…), healthy body, and my hair. 🙂

  8. Love your style.

    I’ve decided that i love my grey hair. I decided last summer to stop coloring and since i have short hair it took about 3-4 haircuts to let the color and highlights grow out and get cut off. Now i have a combination of my natural color (dirty dark blonde) and my grey (which is really more silver.) I get lots of compliments on the ‘frosted’ look. And i love that it’s natural! and sooo much easier!

  9. I love your blog! I love my LLD jewelry, I wear it almost every day. I love love love my curves. Sounds strange, I know, because my curves are a bit fuller than usual right now. I still love them! They are me (and my mama’s)? :o)

  10. I turned 50 this year I love that I look 40-ish and I love my green eyes and my sense of style for a plus size woman . I am not afraid of being who I am in this body If I can’t change it’s okay to love what you have while on your way to a better place … if it happens yippee and if it doesn’t love what you got ….
    Love your curls , I have straight hair and its good but , curls are sooo cute and fun ! Thanks for giving me fun Wednesday’s you are a rock star !!! be blessed my friend …

  11. Hi Lisa, I love my curly hair too and my SILVER hairs (there is no such word as grey in my vocabulary.. ugh that is not a colour!).. My mum’s hair is pure white and my silver hairs gleam in the sunlight.. I also love my lips, I am lucky to have a perfect bow on the top lip. I also like my eyes, oh and my lines.. they show I’ve smiled and laughed a lot in my life so far. Giggle, I guess you could say I quite like my face! I promise i’m not egotistical or vain though!!! It’s nice to be reminded what I like about myself… Thanks honey.. smiles..

  12. How I adore your blog!! love all your outfits you always where.
    What I like about myself. well I guess that would be my curly hair too. I didnt’ like it much when I was growing up, I used to iron it 🙂 but I love it now. I love my feet and toes also, especially with light blue polish on my toes:)
    happy day Lisa

  13. I love my long eyelashes. At some point, I have loved each part of this bod, but I have been feeling like I desperately need a makeover for a couple years now!

  14. Well, I do like my grey-blue eyes…and most people think I am the younger sister!! You have an amazing sense of style – I’m learning much from you & your WIWW posts. Thanks for sharing!! 🙂

  15. Ok, I just love your style and it’s so refreshing to see another SAHM dressing up and enjoying life…I get looks all the time when I drop my kids off at school because I’m dressed…while I do love sweats and wear them also, I love looking pulled together, it just makes me feel so alive…

    Love your curly hair, wish mine was the same…There are a few things I love about myself, and since I’m 43 1/2, I finally have come to terms with them….:

    Love that I have very little wrinkles
    Love that I have perky breasts, I had always wish they were bigger, but they are just so me
    Love my legs
    Love my eyes, dimples and smile…

  16. Lisa you have great style! I am inspired to step out of my fashion box when I see your posts. what I love about myself??? well … I love my eyes , I love that at 40 I don’t really have wrinkles and I love that I am a true friend.

  17. I went looking for that Gap dress the other day. My stores are all sold out-hmph.

    One thing I like about myself-my laugh. It’s loud, it’s boisterous, but I use it. I love to laugh.

  18. I agree with one of the comments I just read up there… your outfits absolutely give me great inspiration for mine!
    and thanks for making me remember to love my curly hair, today, too!

  19. I love your H&M flowy top and the anthro dress, you look so pretty!
    I hated my red hair and freckles when growing up, now I love them and love that my daughter has them too!

  20. I LOVE your hair!
    Hmmm what do I like about myself?? My eyes. This may be a little TMI, but with my clothes on, I like the way my chest looks:) After nursing 5 babies, it isn’t the same, but with my shirt on you can’t tell what they really look like. Lots of support under there:))

  21. Like you, I didn’t love my curly hair as a teenager but I have learned to like it. My daughter is having the same trouble now and I tell her to embrace it, that this is her and to love herself as she is. 🙂

  22. I really love your crazily curly hair, too! And you have such cute fashion sense. As for fashion sense, I have NONE. But, I do love my eyes and my salt and pepper hair that gets saltier by the day. (:

  23. again, i just had to come here and say that i love wednesdays because i get to see what cute inspiration you wore this week!
    i am stumped on what i love about myself. i am a stay at home mom, homeschooling 3 of the 6 kids i have. in a nutshell,i don’t have any me time, i think i may have lost touch with myself a little bit. i’ll have to get back on that one!

  24. hi lisa,

    adorable outfits as always – you look fab!!

    oh such a hard question – what I like about myself – eeeks! I guess it would be my eyes – they are a green blue – mostly blue on the outside and if I wear green WOW they are green and if I wear blue they are more of a warm blue. I also was born with good skin and am SO thankful for that, so that’s something else I like and I try not to take it for granted.

    I really appreciate your comment about teaching your boys not just to accept who they are but to be thankful for who they are – its so hard to appreciate who are and be thankful isn’t it – so thank you for the reminder not only for myself but I need to remember that about others as well!! Accept them for who they are and be thankful!!


  25. first, are you sure that plaid anthro dress is working for you??? don’t you think it might look better on me 🙂 i love it!

    i love my cheeks. i hated them growing up. too many aunts pinched them, and commented on their chubbiness. but at 36 i think they make me look young. i also see that they are my grandmother’s cheeks. i love her.

  26. love,love,love following your blog!!! and I love your style,so very cute! something i love about myself: i love that im tall, all my young years i hated being 5’10 and the fact i could never find pants long enough because my height is all legs, but as I age I love it and find that i feel beautiful, i love my not so perfect belly with my belly button lower than it ever was because it is a reminder to me that this body of mine houses and cared for 4 wonderful babies in only 4 years! Happy Wednesday!

  27. Lisa,
    Have you ever tried a wide belt (maybe in white) with your plaid anthro dress? I’m not sure if that’s a style you like, but I bet it would look entired darling on you!! I love my hair and my eye brows and I almost love my stomach right now…I’m so close to getting it to the desired toned-ness 🙂

  28. Lisa! I so love your outfits and style… it makes me super jealous 🙂

    I actually love my curly hair – it makes life fun!!!

  29. First, I must tell you that I LOVE your style! Wish that I could pull it off 🙂

    Second, I like my smile. Everyone always tell me that I have nice teeth and asked if I had braces when I was a kid. I’m proud to say I didn’t!

  30. You’re just too cute. I love the variety and maintained simplicity of your outfits.

    What do I like about myself? I love my smile. And, for most of my life I’ve felt “awkwardly tall”, but I’m learning to embrace that and I kind of am liking being 6 ft.

  31. I’m loving your “what I wore Wednesdays” Lisa! I hope you never stop. You have given me so many good ideas and inspiration. Those new boots from Anthro are fantastic!

    I really relate to what you are saying about being grateful for who we are and what we have. One thing I like about my looks: I’m naturally tall and on the slim side. I’m thankful for that!

  32. You are so beautiufl. I love reading your posts aout your little family adn lovely life. i AM JEALOUS because i love anthro but i am a starvign college student so cant afford it lol. I love my lips and crazy funky hair .

  33. bless you & your beautiful curly hair & your amazing creativity & your inspiring perspective, lisa!!
    i love my brown eyes, my naturally happy eyebrows, my lips, my collarbone, my hands & my hips. & thank you for reminding me about them!
    btw, i’d be honored to have you as a visitor at my little blog sometime: kristencard.blogspot.com! 🙂

  34. you make me really want to love my curly hair!!! but i don’t most days…working on that…one thing i DO like is that i’m usually the most mellow person in the room. i get this from my dad.

  35. I love your style! It’s definitely got me thinking about being more adventurous with my wardrobe. I love my barely wavy hair!

  36. Lisa,
    So love your outfits and your curly hair! Oh, and yes I love my curly hair too! Always telling my kids to be grateful no matter what…………it was funny this week I was reading in my journal, and last week I was at work, bored, put in my journal ” Bored at work, so grateful that I am smart enough to know I am BORED at work!” My kids thought that was funny!
    Have a blessed day!

  37. Love your looks! You inspire me to step out of my comfort zone and try new things wardrobe-wise!

    If I had to say one thing I like about myself I would say it is my smile/laughter. I rarely smile without some sort of chuckle coming out and I like that I can find humor in most situations. I, by the way, LOVE your curly hair too!

    Happy Wednesday!


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