this, that and one more thing.



matthias had his first (new) art class last week.

we’re so excited because max signed up with him.

the boys had a blast, but mommy is waiting to see if this class is really worthwhile.

matthias has such a drive to create, and i want to make sure it’s nurtured.

we might look into private art lessons.




here are some photos i haven’t shown you from our beach play last weekend.

i can’t get over how big david looks in that pic with daddy.

he has stretched about 4 inches this year.




sand angels.

not as cold as snow angles, but a lot messier.

when you live in california, you do what you have to.




this pic of david playing in the sand was my prize last friday.

love the smile.

love the sand slipping between his fingers.




matthias has been so snuggly and all about mommy lately.

i’m eating it up.

he’s always been such a daddy’s boy-i’m happy to have a turn!




these are some flowers and cactii that i snapped on a trip to the zoo last week.

really, cactii? that is such a strange word. i googled it just to make sure…




and i say today, we don’t stay on the path.

i say we run on the grass.

and pick dandelions.

and eat dessert twice.

  1. Love that photo of David and the sand. Your blog is very inspiring and hopefully I will get a piece of jewelry from you some day. Will hint to my husband… Hopefully you will find an art class that works for the boys. I love teaching art after school – wish you were nearby so they could join my class!

  2. And embrace the thought that those signs are there for the OTHER people, not me!!! Stunning pictures, Lisa. Love the one of you and Matthias looking at each other. You can feel the energy in that little “heart” of white between your eyes. Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Yes, the mess of sand angels-I’m in So Cal too—hmm…wonder if we live close to each other? I’m in Murrieta.
    Great blog I think I’ve only visited your lovely jewelery on your stores website, and not had realized you had a blog–ugh–so much time has passed I will have to hurry up to read more to catch up 🙂

  4. I am interested in where you are taking your son to art classes. We are locals and I have a 5 year old who is very creative and we would love to find some fun, messy, art classes, but have yet to locate them. We tried one in SLO, but it was too restrictive and focused on drawing particular things a particular way. Too stuffy for us! We would love your recommendations! Thanks!

  5. What an amazing picture of David! And Moms deserve those prizes they get along the way!

    This is such a beautiful post — perfect for spring — thank you!

  6. The pic of you and Matthias is gorgeous and so telling…little boys love their mommas…and hopefully they have great daddies too and love them too! Love your photos and yes, love the stay off the path…go with the fun stuff!

  7. Beautiful pictures! Your boys are just precious! I love the idea of dessert twice! My birthday is coming up, how about dessert all day long? My kids would think I’m the coolest! 😉

  8. Hi Lisa, love your photos, as always! You are so wonderful at capturing extra special moments in time!

    Path, what path??? I frolic amongst the dandelions at every opportunity! Smiles

  9. Lovely beach pictures. I love the one with your husband holding David, and the one with you & Matthias.

    It was a good mail day! I received my first LLD piece. Thank you, it’s beautiful. I love the weight of it and how the little charms make a musical sound when they click together.

  10. That picture of David in the sand is so precious! Complete happiness! No care in the world but that sand between his fingers! Love it!

  11. Hi Lisa,

    Running on the grass sounds so fun!! Lovely photos, as always.

    Um, do you have any cupcakes left? Can I have one if you do?? 🙂


  12. Hi Lisa – how do you get that lovely colour into your photos – almost vintagey brown? I know you’ve said before but I can’t remember. I love how it looks. Maybe someone else can remember?


  13. I adore your photographs! I really do! WOW!

    That one of David playing the sand is amazing! And I love the sand angels! Thankfully, we have lots of snow up here in Alaska, so my daughter can get her fill of snow angels and we don’t have to worry about the mess of sand angels! 😉 (Hey, there’s one good thing about snow, eh??)

    Ah, I would love a second helping of dessert, but I really need to get serious about losing some weight…… 🙁 Have one for me, ok??

  14. That picture of David in the sand brought tears to my eyes. You can feel his energy right through the photo! Thank you for sharing it with us.

  15. Thank you for sharing…when I am having a stressful day I like to peak at your site and see the beautiful pictures and think that there really is another world out there beyond my stresses. Thank you! 🙂

  16. Oh what memories you are capturing!
    Yes…you are right…that picture of David playing in the sand is a prize! ;o) Love it!
    What a sweet family you have…all of the warmth just BEAMS from your soft images.
    Happy Day Sweet Lisa!

  17. GREAT post! That photo of David with the sand in his fingers is precious! You can see the joy on his little face!

    Also love that you are encouraging your little ones passion….so important!

    Great pics!

  18. I have been liking your encouragement to eat dessert 🙂 As somebody who has taught group and individual art lessons… every class and teacher is different, but most times the group settings are great for being introduced to texture, color, lots of different media and just having fun and being creative. If your little guy is chomping at the bit to learn some more technical drawing skills then private lessons may be something he really enjoys… So great that you are encouraging his creative interests!

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