a big, huge and very exciting announcement!

Oh my! Have I ever told you how I hate keeping secrets? Especially when it’s relates to creative things! We’ve been working on a paper and cloth collection for months now and of course I’ve been dying to tell you. And today I finally can! Woohoo!!

You already know that I love metalworking. When an idea begins to take shape and eventually ends up as a piece of jewelry around someone’s neck? Well that’s magical! But I love other forms of creativity as well, thrifting, decorating, wrapping gifts and note writing. These things make my heart happy.

Today I’m thrilled to share our new paper & cloth collection with you. We’ve collaborated with a few local artists to bring you exclusive designs. All of the pieces are hand-lettered and illustrated and they are full of inspiration and creativity! Over the next weeks I’ll be showing you how I’m using the pieces in my daily life–today I’m sharing our entryway. I’ve got it all ready for fall and it’s so welcoming!

Our porch is full of orange pumpkins and white twinkle lights. Every time we come home I smile. I think we all need more twinkle lights in our lives, don’t you?

The door open to our entryway, which holds an old buffet that I found on craigslist and painted black.

I have various wreaths that I hang on our door for different seasons.

Here’s a look at two of the prints from the new paper & cloth collection. I love the simplicity and heart behind these pieces! And the messages are good reminder that YOU are loved and precious.

I used command strips to adhere the posters to the wall inside chalkboard frames.

A stack of old books, a few small pumpkins some paper bats complete the look for fall.

Help us celebrate the launch of our new paper & cloth collection! Today we are giving away a FREE fantastic day bag with every purchase of $25 or more. How awesome is that! It’s time to hang some posters, write some letters and get excited about paper and cloth!

Click here to shop the new paper & cloth collection!

And tell me, which pieces are your favorite?


  1. I’m just getting around to seeing the details of your new line, busy as bee. I love it and wish you great success! Seems like a natural progression for your creativity. I’m throwing my hat in the ring if you are ever looking for additional artist…

  2. Congratulations Lisa!!!
    I love your entryway decoration… I haven’t done anything so far, because here, in Luxembourg, Halloween is celebrated quietly so far… We don’t have pumpkin patch like you shared in an earlier post…
    I love the lightening you have at your porch, very pretty.

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