what rocks about being a dad {part 5}

This is the last in the series, what rocks about being a dad! If you are just joining us here you can look back at Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4!

Our dad today is Cameron Ingalls.  We interviewed his lovely wife Anna before Mother’s Day! Cameron is dad to adorable Asher, he is an extraordinary photographer, and he is one of the most generous and kind friends we have.

Cameron, what is your favorite thing about being a dad?

Having my heart size enlarged with love for my boy.

What is one of your proudest moments as a dad? 

My son is only 2 and a half so I can still remember the new days following his birth. I actually pulled him out with my own hands and laid him on his mama’s chest. It was so moving to watch my wife Anna breakdown in tears and say ‘little bear, I’ve waited soooo long to see you.’ The nurses all commented about how alert Asher was. They said he made eye contact they could tell he was so happy.
Once we were home, I took him outside for the first time on a walk around the yard. I began to tell him all that he was seeing. I said, “Look Asher… that’s the sky! Wow; look how great and big it is! Look Asher… thats a tree; a TREE!” I became overwhelmed at the majesty of these complex creations that I daily took for granted. My eyes filled with tears and my heart filled with gratitude. I was overwhelmed with joy at the task of introducing life to my new son.
I guess there isn’t just one moment… It’s all those beautiful moments one by one that unfold each new day since he was born

 What have you learned from your Dad that you want to teach your own kids? 

Work ethic.
Always finish what you start.
Always be prepared. (Boyscout code)
Don’t litter. ha… I remember walking home from the bus stop and throwing a candy wrapper over a fence. Little did I know my dad was driving up behind me to pick me up. Well, he made me go to the neighbor’s house and knock on the door to go get my trash. To this day I just can’t throw or leave trash anywhere!

What is one of your funniest dad moments?

I don’t have one funniest moment… But I’m always amazed at my son’s sense of humor. I love being surprised and laughing out loud when he puts silly putty on his glasses or give me a zurbert on my belly. Asher’s name means “happy”. And since the day he was born people mostly comment about how happy he is. There are so many funny moments that come when we have childlike spirits and are lighthearted. He is helping me to be childlike again with his laughter and joy.

What have you learned from Asher?

To slow down and enjoy this fleeting life. I tend to take things too seriously and Asher (and my wife Anna) have really helped me lighten up. I realize that when my boy is a man he won’t remember all that I accomplished during his childhood, the name I made for myself, all the money I made, all the money I spent, but he will remember the quality time I spent with him. That will shape his heart more than anything else and I don’t want to miss it!

Thank you for sharing with us Cameron! You are such a great Daddy to Asher!
Cameron & Asher were celebrating the everyday with our celebrate cake topper!

With Father’s day approaching tell me – How are you going to celebrate the dads in your life?


  1. Asher is the cutest!!! You can just see how that little kiddo brings joy into the world. Cameron and Anna are very lucky parents to have such a gift from God. LOVD tidings, Lilly

    and Happy Father’s Day!!!!!

    P.S. Lisa, we went outside last night with tripod, camera, and flashlights and did our own light show photoshoot. Your post was our inspiration and I cannot believe how unbelievably cool our pics were. Thanks so much for helping us make such a great memory!!!!

  2. Loved both the Mother’s Day and Father’s Day series you did this year. The photos of the two men sharing chocolate cake was precious. Checked out Cameron’s site, it is beautifully breath-taking (the vintage circus photos were awesome)! Had to go listen to the cool band.

  3. What cuties!! This got me all teary-eyed!

    Since I show love through cooking, the girls and I are cooking up my husband’s favorite breakfast and dinner and dessert, but leaving the rest of the day to him. We are going to let him relax. Oh, and the $90 shirt he tried on while shopping in Maui over spring break that I discouraged him from buying because oh.my.goodness. it was wayy too much? I snuck back and bought it. And it’s been hiding in my closet. It can’t wait to make its presence known!

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