Cousins camping at lake arrowhead 2015

Hello friends! We just got back from celebrating my parents’ 50th wedding anniversary in Lake Arrowhead. It was busy and crazy and fun. Now we’re welcoming cousins and preparing for zoo camp this week! I’ve got pics to share of our trip and some hellos for a brand new week.

***Hello Monday is where I greet the new week with an open heart and a fresh perspective. It’s a new beginning–and there’s so much to be thankful for! Join me by leaving your own hellos in the comments section or linking up a hello monday post there!***

lake arrowhead 2015-01
lake arrowhead 2015-02 lake arrowhead 2015-03 lake arrowhead 2015-04lake arrowhead 2015-01-3 lake arrowhead 2015-05 lake arrowhead 2015-06 lake arrowhead 2015-07 lake arrowhead 2015-08 lake arrowhead 2015-09 lake arrowhead 2015-10 lake arrowhead 2015-11 lake arrowhead 2015-12lake arrowhead 2015-01-2

Hello cousins and aunties and uncles and grandma and grandpa. All of us together!

Hello party prep and celebrating 50 years.

Hello splashing in the lake and waterslides.

Hello pine trees and starry skies.

Hello editing pics and smiling at memories made.

Hello stand-up paddle boarding for the first time. Once I got over being terrified of falling, I love it!

Hello big breakfasts and lots of coffee.

Hello making up spare beds for cousins.

Hello packing lunches and loading up on sunscreen for zoo camp.

Hello to you! It’s a brand new week with beauty and busyness waiting. Are you ready?

What are you saying hello to this week? Leave some hellos in the comments or link your own hello monday post there.


  1. David looks so much older in this picture! You have
    a beautiful family. Love all the pictures you share. Blessings!

  2. hello a week without my 8 yr old – – she is at girl scout camp.
    hello spending the week just me ‘n my 12 year old.
    hello eating our way through a day at the state fair!

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