finding a little piece of quiet.


I roll out of bed and step right into the shower. The boys seem to sense when I’m awake because they’re already in the bathroom asking for breakfast before my shower is done.

Get dressed, pour cereal, pack lunches, grab homework, climb into the car.

Then errands to run, bills to pay, emails to return, dishes to do, phone calls to make…


i’m over at (in)courage today.  please come over and read the rest of the post.  and happy monday!


  1. Oh Lisa, what a perfect post to find on Incourage this morning. It’s just how my day has gone! The overwhelming feelings were starting to take over. My time with Him was way to short this morning. I’ve had stage 3 cancer twice and you’d think I wouldn’t sweat the small stuff anymore, but continue to trust I must. Want you to know that I got your “grace alone” necklace about a month ago and where it almost everyday. It is the truth for me. It is only by His grace and mercy that I am here still raising my four kids.
    Love to you this day,

  2. Snow in October! Minnesota is always full of surprises this time of year. It’s so beautiful outside right now, wish I could attach a picture for you. Happy Monday!

  3. I knew it! I read your post and I thought you were Christian, just based on how you live your life over here on your blog….your necklace names, your attitude, the light of Christ. Like a mirror….It’s funny how God leads us one to the other. :))

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