montana de oro, christmas 2013

We said good-bye to our English cousins yesterday. We drove them to the San Francisco airport, hugged them each and shed a few tears.

Our time together was so sweet! I have more photos to share–i hope you’ll bear with me!

We spent an evening at Montana de Oro and splashed in the water while the sunset. It was magical! These girls have snow at home and were happy to soak up the 80* temps we’ve been having here in California!

Here’s our whole group {above}. So many memories made during our time together.

We’re taking down the tree and putting away all the decorations. I deep cleaned the kitchen and cleared out the refrigerator. I’ll admit I’m having some post-Christmas blues. I love a new beginning but I don’t like good-byes!

Are you ready for a new year? Do you have all your Christmas decor put away yet?


  1. We loved this beach when we were there December 2012. We have similar pictures with our kids on the rocks. The only downfall was when my youngest was almost washed out with the waves and I dropped everything to run and grab him. Then I was ready to leave.

  2. What a beautiful day at the beach with your family! We are having snow here in CT so putting away the holiday items is OK – I feel like the season just continues and I am excited about Valentines! And this is the first Christmas in our home here (15 years in the last home!) so we have new traditions and plans for the coming years which is something to look forward to! And I happened to receive a beautiful charm bracelet (Thank you Lisa Leonard!!!) so I am def. looking forward to receiving a new charm every month this year!!! Happy 2014!

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