have i ever mentioned…{ at my favorite local coffee shop}


that i really really like coffee?

i was scrolling through my pics find image after image

of yummy coffee at fun places around town.

love it!

* * *

we are in birmingham, alabama

after a cancelled flight, driving 2 hours to a different airport

waiting and waiting and waiting some more.


i’m a little tired, but happy to be here!

and if you are in the area, please come hang out with us today.

details here.

* * *

ok, you’re at your favorite local coffee shop.

what do you order?


  1. Hmmmmmm, my hubby & I bought a top of the line grinder & espresso maker after our son was born, due to his colic, we were hitting up Starbucks 3-4 times PER DAY. We make vanilla lattes at home. Dailey. Sometimes twice daily for me. Starbucks is now a treat, I enjoy the: coffee frappuccino, toffee mocha or white chocolate mocha latte.

    During the summer, I make a cold coffee concentrate & make iced coffee with it. YUM! πŸ™‚

  2. coffe 2X’s a day black with 1 ice cube , I am 50 & I been having it that way for 32 years .. ahhh love that coffee !! for me it brings back memories of before both my folks passed away we had coffee every afternoon at 3:30 .. It was a wonderful time it slipped away too fast .. Hug your parents if you have them….

  3. I love your montage! I adore coffee. I want to BE coffee. If I’m not ordering coffee, though, it’s a chai latte for me. *Sigh…* I think I need one now (coffee)…

  4. sister….I feel ya! I live in Washington state, home of coffee as we know it. In our little town there is probably one coffee shop for every three people. It’s great. My favorite spot to sit and sip is at a little French bakery that makes their own chocolate sauce for their mochas…..yup….it’s good stuff. So are the pastries! Oh and the hair on our heads could possibly be long lost sisters. Curls ROCK!!

  5. My favorite coffee shop is my daughter Karens shop in the GREENLAKE area of Seattle; Cafe Lulu on 65th and Latona. Karen makes a terrific hazelnut latte! She is an awesome barista, I love the floral design she creates with the crema!

    Cafe Lulu is somewhat like the old TV show Cheers: EVERYBODY KNOWS YOUR NAME! Even tho I live in So Cal, customers of Cafe Lulu email me as these friendships have crossed state boundary lines.

    Nothing like a cup of coffee and a rainy day! Add to that great music and greater still – the locals of this little neighborhood shop.

  6. My favorite local coffee shop is “Insomnia”, right here in beautiful Hillsboro, Oregon. Right now they are making an absolutely delicious Pumpkin Chai Latte that literally makes my toes curl with delight! Another favorite is Starbuck’s Caramel & Sea Salt Hot Chocolate – they don’t advertise it all the time, so you’ve got to ask for it. For me, coffee is like the nectar of the gods!

  7. my family and i had such a lovely time meeting you! your jewelry is fantastic, and the “be still” necklace is at the top of my christmas wish list. oh and i mentioned your lovely shop on my blog on friday. best wishes and travel safely home!


  8. By the way, I would absolutely love to have a set of coasters printed with your coffee cup pictures. Just in case you ever consider branching out… πŸ˜€ (And p.s. to David- all the nurses on the cardiology ward at my hospital are going to be sending you happy thoughts until your surgery. )

  9. from starbucks… a chai latte or caramel macchiato (hot or iced, I love it both ways). I took my little one to applefest a few weekends ago and I bought some ground flavored coffee, baked apple pie. I questioned it at first…. OMG! The best. It has a nice hint of spiced apples! I’m super sad I didn’t buy more of it, and you can’t order it online…. SO it looks like I’ll be traveling 2 hours soon just for some more coffee. Right now I’m enjoying buttery caramel (another favorite flavored ground coffee) with a little cream an one sugar!

  10. My defaults are the Cinnamon Dolce Latte and the Vanilla Latte. At home, drip coffee with hazelnut flavored half & half. My new favorite is a toffee nut latte with salted caramel on top YUM!

  11. I asked my daughter, who works at Starbucks, what’s a good coffee for a diabetic? Decaf-nonfat-cinnamon-dolce-latte was her choice. And you know what? I really like it. I’ve been decaffeinated by my doctor, trying to lose weight and as long as I don’t get the whipped cream, this is a good choice for me. Once in awhile I might get the whipped cream, but not often anymore. It gets easier when I know this stuff could easily hurt my health. But my favorite is always a Caffe Mocha WITH whipped cream.

  12. Being a Canadian, I usually get a large double double, (two cream and two sugar), but if I am in the mood for a splurge, then I get a cappucino or a latte. I used to treat myself all the time, but I found I was spending quite a bit of $$ and it was becoming less special. Now I don’t feel guilty getting a coffee most days and it is truly special when I do splurge.

  13. Our favorite coffee shop is Bongo Java, locally owned, My favorite drink is the Mochahontas (partly because of the name). πŸ˜€ If you’re ever in Nashville, we’ll go and I’ll treat you! Have fun in AL!

  14. I am a TOTAL coffee snob and will only drink cappuccino from a gas station. πŸ˜‰ That stuff is liquid gold, I’m telling you. Just wanted to let you know that it was a pleasure to meet you today. I loved our chat and it’s an honor to have gotten to know you just a little bit. You are as beautiful inside as out, it seems! Congratulations on all of your successes!

  15. Wow- Love the comments! I like just plain old coffee–black. I guess I’m boring but there is a huge difference between coffee beans and I love the flavor and smell of black coffee. Think I’ll get some right now!

  16. Hi Lisa, I have found the PERFECT way to have coffee for me. It’s a Mocha in a tulip cup (the one they use for double espressos).. It is the perfect size for me (I tend to drown with anything larger) and gives me that wonderful hit of coffee with a touch of chocolate.. yummmmmmmmmmmmmm! Smiles..

  17. Iced chai latte! MMMM! It’s almost never as spicy as I dream of, though. Working as a barista in college got me my fill of actual coffee for my next 7 lifetimes :). Enjoy your trip South and have lots of sweet tea!

  18. I have to say cafe mocha is my all time favorite, although pumpkin spice is quite tasty this time of year.

    Ps: I just found your blog a few weeks ago and absolutely adore your jewelry! Are there any specials this coming season? I love your necklace ‘hope is the thing…’, it’s very fitting for me at this point in my life. I will continue reading πŸ™‚

  19. My grande decaf single ristretto 5 pump chocolate nonfat no whip extra hot mocha! Otherwise known as my high-maintenance mocha (or a glorified chocolate milk!). Luckily, they know my drink so I don’t have to say it when I order! πŸ™‚ Safe travels and a wonderful weekend to you!

  20. in my effort to be a little healthier… I have all but given up my favorite breve for an americano ~ two raw sugars and a “splash” of cream!

  21. Even though I’m three hours away, my favorite local coffee shop is Radina’s in Manhattan, KS. It’s the best! I might be boring, but I always order a double latte (hot when it’s cold and iced when it’s hot) – and a scone. πŸ™‚

  22. I’m a barista, so I make myself a honey latte…depending on the temperature outside it is either hot or iced. πŸ™‚

  23. One of our local places has the best chai ever. So I get a Chai Latte which is the chai with a shot of espresso. So good!

  24. oh, I am pretty boring — a tall drip about 98% of the time – with cream, one sugar and a few dashes of cocoa powder!

    love the heart shaped marshmellows!!

    have a great weekend!!


  25. in the summer? i love a soy iced white chocolate mocha. in the cooler temps? something with peppermint in it. as for today? SO excited to come meet you in birmingham. did you get stuck in atlanta? i’ve never been through that airport without a delay somehow. ugh!

  26. This time of year, definitely pumpkin spice latte. Normally, coffee with room for cream and a small shot of vanilla or caramel. Yum! Mostly, my own kitchen is my favorite spot for coffee. My Kuerig is my morning friend πŸ™‚

  27. Iced grande skinny vanilla latte from Starbucks. Or…now that the weather’s turning colder a hot chocolate with whipped cream. (Obviously, I only watch the calories in warmer weather! lol) Safe travels to you!

  28. ohhh Carmel latte!! yumo!! I just need a coffee iv drip. I heart it so much. I love the whole experience of it. The cups, the smell, the taste and more importantly the conversation that happens over it.

  29. If I’m in HillerΓΈd then I’ll order a French press with a piece of dark chocolate. Then I put the chocolate in the bottom of the cup before pouring the coffee in. MMMM!

    If I’m in Copenhagen then I’ll go for a soy latte at Retro, which is the grooviest cafe ever.

    If I’m in my home town of East Aurora, NY then I’ll go for an E.T. Mocha at Taste. If any of you are ever in East Aurora, NY (home of Fischer Price Toys, Millard Fillmore and the Roycroft Artisans), get on over to Taste and try one. Tell Yvonne that Caitlyn sent you and it’ll make her beam!

  30. mocha frappucino at starbucks – BUT the two times i’ve been in Ashland Oregon i’ve gone to the Human Bean and gotten a Snowy Mt Ashland! YUMO! with a chocolate covered coffee bean on top!

  31. Pumpkin Spice Latte right now! Otherwise, a Highland Grogg – black. The top middle picture looks like apricot Fiesta. Nice!

  32. We have a local coffee shop that makes the best vanilla latte! They always make a cute design in the foam on top, with my favorite being a heart.

  33. During the holidays either a pumpkin spice latte or a peppermint mocha. But day to day- just the best, cheapest, boldest cup of plain black coffee I can find- so good! Don’t even need the extras!

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