colorful leaves, family and good beer

These things seem to be the themes to our days. We’re enjoying lazy mornings and long dinners. The kids run through the parks while the adults laugh and talk. Memories are being made! Here are some pics from our last couple days.

We’re visiting friends in Scotland for a few days. I can’t wait to share the pics with you. The cloudy skies, raindrops and yellow leaves are such a change from California–and we’re soaking it up. Do you get a true ‘fall’ where you live?


  1. ….love these UK posts…it’s like being on a wonderful vacation right here from my desk. Enjoy every moment, family and family memories are what it’s all about! xxoo Jen

    1. Thank you for following my blog while we were in the UK! We had so much fun seeing family and seeing the sites.

  2. Hey Lisa just took out my laptop and made a hot cup of tea to “catch up” on my emails and reading my favorite blogs!!!! We are smack dab in the middle of the effects of hurricane Sandy here in Boston!So no work or school today. Nice excuse to curl up with the kids and chill!!! I have to say I love your pics!!! And the dimples on David are amazing!!!! Keep the photos coming!!! xoxo

    1. You are so sweet Cristin! I’m praying for everyone that is going to be effected by the hurricane, I hope that everyone stays safe. Enjoy a lazy day with your family!

  3. love the shot of David with the baby…

    totally missing my home state of NY for the fall!! This 85 degrees out in October makes me really super late getting into the Fall holiday mode…(though there is worse weather we could be stuck with, for sure!)

    1. It doesn’t seem like winter does it? I heard there is a heat wave going on in California, luckily you’re out of hurricane weather in NY!

  4. Hi Lisa, so glad you’re enjoying your visit here. Lovely photos, thank you for sharing. I’m curious though! I remember before when you came to England you visited family in Wolverton and I’m wondering if you’ve ventured back to these parts – is the photo taken in the restaurant with the colourful lights in Milton Keynes shopping centre? It really looks like it – I live in MK!! Also, wondering where the Greyhound pub is, that looks familiar too! I’m being really nosey!! Enjoy Scotland and hope you don’t experience too much rain 🙂

  5. Lisa, you truly have a gift of photography!! I always love your photos but this bunch is truly amazing!! I especially love the one of David on the colorful bench…and the leaves in a heart, and the umbrella window decals, and the bright lanterns…okay, I love them ALL! 🙂

    Soak up this sweet time with your sweet family. You guys deserve it!! Blessings.

  6. Hi Lisa,
    I’m glad you are enjoying the UK. Scotland is so powerfully beautiful. We live close to Cambridge – such a pretty city:)
    Cold weather is coming tonight and tomorrow, maybe you’ll even get snow!

  7. You guys look so carefree and present and beautiful! Love it!

    We get a wonderful fall in Washington, but I still miss my New England falls from when I was growing up :(.

  8. Thank you for taking the time to share your photos! I love the fall but in SoCal we don’t get a dramatic fall. But at least we are getting cooler nights! My family of 5 will be up in your area in two weekends in San Luis & Templeton. Hoping its a little more fall-like there!

  9. I am lucky enough to live in Vanouver, BC and we have had a gorgeous Fall! I love the crisp air, apple orchards and changing trees.
    My family is mainly in Edinburgh, so we spent a lot of time there. I’m glad you are loving it! And St. Andrews is a very special town!

  10. These photos are great, Lisa! It looks like you guys are having a wonderful time!

    I just moved to Beijing in August and it doesn’t seem like we’re going to get a true “fall.” I’m missing the fall colours and flavours from back home in New Brunswick, Canada!

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